Actually… Love: 5 Weird Behind-the-Scenes Movie Facts

“Love Actually”
The funniest and most beautiful facts behind the scenes

© MCDLOAC / Everett Collection / imago images

A film is always a collaborative effort. An interaction of actors, technicians, people who direct, shoot or capture the sound – this is where some characters and opinions come together and a wide variety of emotions. The Christmas classic “Love Actually” is no exception. We have cute and funny facts to make you smile.

“Love Actually” – Behind the Scenes

The Prime Minister’s dance scene

Hugh Grant had absolutely no desire for his iconic dance scene. “He made a terrible fuss about the dance,” co-star Colin Firth told the BBC. Screenwriter Richard Curtis added: “He’s the least musical person in the world.” Grant himself admitted that he repeatedly avoided rehearsals on set. It wasn’t until the day of filming that the actor jumped over his shadow: “Imagine you’re a grumpy 40-year-old English man. It’s seven in the morning, you’re completely sober and then it’s like, ‘OK Hugh, do you feel like freaking out now?'”said Grant about the scene.

The actor told ABC News that he also had no sense of tact. Right from the beginning of the scene you can see that he isn’t really swinging his hips to the beat. In the end, the Prime Minister dance was a complete success and probably one of the most popular moments among fans. By the way, Hugh Grant himself came up with the idea that the secretary would catch him dancing at the end.

The manuscript in the lake

In one scene, Jamie Bennett (Colin Firth) and Aurelia (Lúcia Moniz) jump into the lake behind the house to save the manuscript that has flown away. However, the lake had a very low water level… and Although in the film it looks like the two are swimming, that’s not the case at all. Colin Firth and Lúcia Moniz crawled through the water on their knees, trying to make it look realistic.

Just buy a present… not with Rowan Atkinson

It was three in the morning on set and Rowan Atkinson really drove Alan Rickman crazy in the department store scene. He did 11-minute takes and always acted very slowly and with great attention to detail. He took his time, writer and director Richard Curtis told ABC News. Between takes he also asked a lot of questions and made suggestions as to whether he should change something and do something differently. Meanwhile, according to Curtis, Alan Rickman was really getting into a worse mood.

The love scene between Karl and Sarah

Sarah (Laura Linney) has been in love with the beautiful Karl (Rodrigo Santoro) from her office for ages. After the Christmas party, the two go to Sarah’s house. Fans often feel sorry for Sarah’s character, Linney said in an interview on “The Graham Norton Show,” “but they shouldn’t, because I think I got the best kiss in this movie!

Both she and Santoro were dumped before filming and were both super sad on the day of the scene. But then she told him: “We can make each other feel better all day long.” Her sadness gave the scene a certain sweetness, says Linney. And Rodrigo Santoro also has good memories of working together. Their heartbreak brought them together, Santoro said in a “People” interview: “It was wonderful to have the opportunity to be open and talk to her about it. And she did the same.” Linney also took him by the hand and looked after him. He himself was really excited to be on set alongside so many stars.

Keira Knightley’s hat was more than a fashion accessory

Keira Knightley revealed on BBC Radio 1 that she had a huge pimple on her forehead – which is why she wore the hat in the scene with Andrew Lincoln. “That’s the problem with being 17 and starring in a movie”said Knightley. “He was gigantic!” There was no other choice to cover it up differently, said the actress. It was so embarrassing for her that she still remembers it very clearly. “I have a lifelong gratitude for this hat,” Knightley continued.

We all remember another scene with Andrew Lincoln. The one where he shows up on her doorstep with cards. The actor wrote these cards himself by hand.

Sources used: BBC, ABC News, The Graham Norton Show, BBC Radio 1, People


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