Ad-free at “higher price”: Musk announces new Twitter subscription

Ad-free at “higher price”
Musk announces new Twitter subscription

Since the takeover by Elon Musk, Twitter has been struggling with massive economic difficulties. The US billionaire believes that paid subscriptions are the solution. If you want an advertising-free short message service, you should be able to get it in the future – but only at an additional cost.

Twitter boss Elon Musk wants to offer a subscription without advertising in the short message service. “Advertising is too common and too big on Twitter. We will be taking steps to change both in the coming weeks,” Musk wrote on his Twitter account. There will be “a subscription with a higher price that does not allow advertising”.

After buying Twitter last October, multi-billionaire Musk immediately fired the top floor. A week later, he fired about half of the 7,500 employees, including many involved in combating misinformation. At the time, Musk said he wanted to expand the company’s revenue streams beyond advertising and develop new paid offerings.

According to Musk, about 2,300 people are still actively employed. The billionaire described a report by the US broadcaster CNBC, according to which the number of full-time employees had been reduced to 1,300, as “not correct”. In a tweet, he wrote: “There are approximately 2,300 active, working employees at Twitter.”

The online network has been struggling with massive economic difficulties since its takeover by Musk. To compensate for the churn of advertisers, the multi-billionaire relies on subscriptions. He started with Twitter Blue, which includes verification of the authenticity of the user account and costs between eight and eleven dollars a month, up to the now announced ad-free offer.

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