Ad Infinitum wants to make its place in the land of funk

Psychological horror, first person view, shadow play and sticky atmosphere. A cocktail of ingredients to which the project has been fed ad infinitum. But beyond these constituent elements of the software from the Hekate studio, its DNA strands seem directly linked to a certain PT (reboot/spin-off project of the Silent Hill saga directed by Hideo Kojima and nipped in the bud – Thank you Konami -). From the first seconds of the trailer, the filiation appears almost obvious. Slow and heavy gait of the protagonist, deleterious atmosphere, artistic direction playing on the shadows and the areas of light… Everything seems to be there, down to the untimely telephone rings that the spectators of the demo of PT will have no trouble recognizing.

We apologize after PT

However, it seems quite simplistic to want to partition ad infinitum to a simple clone of the illustrious stillborn project. The title proposes to embody a German soldier of the First World War stuck between two realities. The first immerses the protagonist in an abandoned mansion in Berlin, the second projects him into the muddy trenches of the Great War. The adventure will be no rest since deformed creatures, whose emaciated designs largely evoke the works of Francis Bacon, haunt the corridors of one, and the cesspools of the other…

In terms of gameplay, the Hekate studio promises complex puzzles, and a dynamic game system where the hero’s actions and choices would have a real impact on his environment and on the story.

For the most curious, know that the soundtrack of the software is already available in part on SoundCloud. Some will say that this is a fine example of tribute to the work of Akira Yamaoka, between noise and dark melodies. Yet another reference to the account ofad infinitum. It remains to be seen whether the software will be able to forge a true unique identity beyond its own inspirations, or whether it will be crushed by them. Appointment is made for September 2023 on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series and PC to deliver the final verdict.

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