additional protection for energy check recipients

A new decree establishes, subject to conditions and from April 1, 2023, a minimum period of electricity supply in the event of an unpaid bill.

While gas and electricity prices have increased at the start of the year, decree no. 2023-133 of February 24, 2023 amends decree no. in the event of unpaid electricity, gas, heat and water bills.

More specifically, this decree establishes, for households benefiting from the energy check or the solidarity fund for housing a minimum period of 60 days of power reduction up to 1 kVA in the event of non-payment, provided that their home is equipped with a Linky-type smart meter. This change will take effect from April 1, 2023.

Energy Check: These Three Hidden Benefits You Can Enjoy

A longer delay for some consumers

Until now, in the event of an unpaid electricity, gas, water or heating bill within 15 days of its payment deadline, a first letter was sent to the consumer. The supplier informed the latter that its supply could be reduced or interrupted if payment was not made within the following 15 days. Once this 30-day period has been respected, and without agreement between the two parties, the supplier could then reduce or interrupt its supply for 20 days after having warned the consumer in a second letter. And for beneficiaries of the energy voucher or aid from a housing solidarity fund, the second period of 15 days was extended to 30 days, before the possible interruption of the supply of gas, heating or water. .

from April 1, 2023, the distinction will henceforth be made between consumers with a communicating metering device (Linky) and others. Holders of such a device may thus see their supply of electricity reduced to 1 kVA, then, after a minimum period of 60 days, be interrupted. On the other hand, if the consumer does not have such a device, its supply will be reduced or interrupted at the end of the classic period of 30 days.

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Among the other new features, the obligation for the supplier to contact the customer at least twice (once in writing, once orally) during the power reduction period, in order to reach an agreement on the payment of the bill. In the event that no agreement is reached within 60 days, the supplier may interrupt supply or termination of the contract (except winter break). For this, he must again notify the consumer at least 20 days in advance, by mail. Furthermore, the consumer cannot be invoiced for the intervention for the power reduction within the framework of a procedure in the event of non-payment, the latter being free of charge.

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