“Additional remuneration” in the European Parliament: Valérie Hayer will file a complaint against Manon Aubry

Europe 1 with AFP

The Macronist candidate for the European elections, Valérie Hayer, announced this Thursday that she was going to “file a complaint in the coming days” against Manon Aubry, rebellious head of the list who accused her of receiving “ancillary remuneration” from the European Parliament .

“I will file a complaint in the coming days,” declared the head of the majority list on TF1, judging Manon Aubry’s accusations “inadmissible” and “scandalous”. In a tweet, the LFI MEP explained that “a quarter of MEPs” receive “ancillary remuneration” from “private companies, lobbies or foreign states”, pledging to refuse this type of remuneration .

“A problem with the truth”

She accompanied this message with a visual including three of her competitors on June 9 for the European elections and the range of additional remuneration declared according to Integrity watch, a Transparency International site. These sums are included according to Integrity watch between 12 and 60,000 euros for Valérie Hayer and Raphaël Gluksmann, head of the PS-Place publique list and between 12 and 66,000 euros for LR François-Xavier Bellamy.

“The only remuneration that I received at the very beginning of the mandate were the remuneration of a local elected official because I was a local elected official,” declared Valérie Hayer on Thursday. “We see with this tweet that a certain number of my opponents in this campaign have a problem with the truth and it is extremely problematic,” she added.

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