Adèle Blanc-Sec: why Luc Besson’s wife was of crucial importance for the film

The extraordinary adventures of Adèle Blanc-Sec will be broadcast on TF1 this Friday, April 8, from 9 p.m. The opportunity for Télé Star to evoke the crucial place of the wife of Luc Besson for the realization of this film.

Luc Besson is a director who needs no introduction. Revealed in the 1980s by his films The Last Stand and Subway, it’s finally The big Blue which allowed him to arrive on the front of the stage and to make a name for himself. Since then, he has chained productions and in particular The Extraordinary Adventures of Adele Blanc-Sec, which will be broadcast on TF1 this Friday, April 8, from 9 p.m. The opportunity for TV Star to evoke the important place of the wife of Luc Besson for the realization of this film. “I think at the outset it’s essential to gauge the elements that make us love comics and that make it unique.” she first confided in the columns from Allociné. “For Adèle, we endeavored to keep the characters from the comic strip with their very special faces, the incredible sets, the atmosphere and we drew from different albums….“, she continued. The screenplay writing process is not easy, but Virginie Besson-Silla was able to count on the help of her husband. “Luc had his idea in mind of the adaptation and the cinematographic elements that had to exist in the film”, she concluded. A job that was done as a team.

It had been ten years since Luc Besson had hoped to acquire the rights to adapt Tardi’s comic strip. Thus, when he was finally able to make the film, he was able to count on the support of his wife to accompany him in writing the screenplay. “He was keen not to distort the work of Tardi with whom we organized a few work sessions, the question being to know what Tardi wanted to see in the image”, explained Virginie Besson-Silla. “That said, Luc also wanted to flesh out the character of Adèle and make her more moving. This is one of the reasons why he integrated the character of Agathe, Adèle’s sister”, she continued. Regarding the writing, the director then assured that the process was not long. “It was quite fast! It must be said that Luc had this project in mind for ten years! Tardi liked the script from the first reading. It was essential for us that he did not feel betrayed and that we did not does not distort his work”, she concluded.

Adèle Blanc-Sec: who plays the main role?

To interpret Adèle Blanc-Sec, Louise Bourgoin was selected. “I had been watching Louise Bourgoin for quite some time, the whimsical Miss Weather from Canal + that we know then headlining alongside Luchini in Anne Fontaine’s film”, first explained Luc Besson before adding: The fact that she is able to interpret all kinds of different characters seduced me because this ability is rare. Her talent is perfectly suited to the role of Adèle for which she must have about fifteen disguises. Regarding their first meeting, the director assured:We met, I liked her right away, I was sure it was Adele“.


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© Chris Delmas

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Luc Besson
His son, Adèle Blanc-Sec will be broadcast this Friday, April 8.

© Chris Delmas

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Luc Besson
He was able to count on the support of his wife for the realization.


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Luc Besson and Virginie Besson-Silla
Virginie Besson-Silla was omnipresent.


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Luc Besson
She helped write the screenplay.

© Zuma Press

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Luc Besson
Luc Besson had been waiting to do it for ten years.


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Luc Besson
He hoped to get the rights one day.


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Luc Besson
He called on big names to embody the characters.


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Adele Blanc-Sec
There are notably Gilles Lellouche, Laure de Clermont, Virigina Silla and Louise Bourgoin.


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Louise Bourgoin
It was Louise Bourgoin who had the main role.


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Louise Bourgoin
The director fell in love with her.


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Adele Blanc-Sec
Adèle Blanc-Sec is broadcast on France 2.

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