ADHD • Symptoms in Children & Adults

Concentration problems, an overwhelming urge to move and impulsive behavior are the main symptoms of ADHD. In Germany, around five percent of children and adolescents are affected by an attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Sometimes ADHD accompanies people into adulthood.

Not being able to sit still (hyperactivity), unable to concentrate at school (attention deficit disorder) or seemingly without cause "go up like a rocket" (impulsiveness): ADHD has many faces. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a mental disorder that was mentioned as early as the 19th century: a neurologist from Frankfurt describes the typical symptoms using the figure of "Zappelphilipps" in his well-known children's book "Der Struwwelpeter". ADHD is now the most common mental disorder in children and adolescents that affects all areas of life. 4.4 percent of the three to 17 year old children and adolescents living in Germany have already been diagnosed with ADHD. This was the result of a parent survey between 2014 and 2017. The diagnosis is made four times more often in boys than in girls. Why boys are affected more often is still unknown.

Overview of article content:

ADHD in adults and children: 19 important symptoms

ADD and ADHD: difference and definition

Attention deficit disorder can also occur without outwardly recognizable hyperactivity. Then one speaks of ADS. Children with ADD mostly seem calm and hardly disturb in class, but are still not at it. They seem to be lost in their dreams and thoughts. They also have problems concentrating. Therefore, ADS should also be treated without hyperactivity.

In addition to impaired attention, ADHD children also suffer from restlessness and hyperactivity, which is why they are usually more noticeable in their behavior than people with ADD. Not infrequently, they are perceived as very tiring and sometimes even as aggressive.

Difference symptoms ADD ADHD

ADHD sufferers are over the top, while people with ADD are calm and introverted.

Do you suspect your child may have ADHD or was it even diagnosed?

In our parent guide, parents will find helpful tips on how to successfully cope with everyday life with an ADHD child !.

ADHD often goes undetected in adults

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder mainly affects children and adolescents. In most cases, the symptoms of ADHD show up when entering kindergarten or elementary school.

The assumption that ADHD only affects children and disappears at the latest on entering adulthood is wrong, because here you can read everything about ADHD and ADS in adults. The disorder persists as an adult in around half of the affected children and is now also recognized by psychiatric societies. Since the disorder in adults shows changed symptoms and sufferers have learned to live with them, a corresponding diagnosis is often lacking.

  • for the ADHD test for adults

    Constantly under pressure and the demands of everyday life growing over your head? Many adults have ADHD without knowing it. Test here whether you could be affected!

Causes: ADHD is not caused by parenting mistakes

A hyperactivity disorder is not a consequence of an educational error – rather, a disorder in the brain metabolism seems to play a central, causal role. It is assumed that important neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin cannot be released in sufficient quantities due to poorly perfused brain areas. Experts cite genetic factors in particular as triggers for ADHD. But psychosocial factors also have an impact: The fast pace of our time, overstimulation by TV, internet or PC games, as well as family problems can contribute to the appearance and exacerbation of symptoms.

Read more about the causes and causes of ADHD here.

ADHD symptoms and test

A child is fidgety, doesn't like homework and wants to be active all the time? This does not mean that it suffers from AD (H) S. After all, some children are more active and jittery than others. The conclusion "my child has ADHD" is often prematurely drawn.

  • to the ADHD test

    How parents can tell whether their child's hyperactivity or lack of concentration is still normal or is already a sign of ADHD.

It is all the more important to know the typical symptoms of ADHD and to react correctly. The main signs that can vary in strength include:

  • Lack of attention and concentration: deficits in concentration or increased inattentiveness
  • Restlessness: the need to be constantly on the move
  • Impulsiveness: stormy, sometimes aggressive behavior

Classic symptoms such as aggressive behavior, attention deficit and hyperactivity often lead to an affected child increasingly becoming an outsider. The parents of ADHD children are under constant pressure to do everything right and often reach the limits of their resilience.

Here you can learn more about the typical symptoms of ADHD and the long-term consequences that can make life difficult for those affected.

Positive sides of ADHD

ADHD presents those affected and their families with great challenges, but it can also have positive sides. People with ADHD are often very enthusiastic, have a thriving imagination and are extremely creative. In addition, people with ADHD often have a strong sense of justice. They are often particularly open and empathetic and are valued by their fellow human beings for their helpfulness. Some people with ADHD are also extremely sensitive and can often recognize other people's moods faster and better than others.

ADHD: diagnosis by a specialist

The diagnosis AD (H) S is always an exclusion diagnosis. This means that other causes must be excluded. If there is a suspicion that a child has AD (H) S, it is necessary to consult an expert – usually the treating pediatrician or a child and adolescent psychologist. Only this can make a diagnosis based on a comprehensive examination and a set questionnaire and, if necessary, initiate an individually appropriate therapy.

An early diagnosis is important so that affected children and adults as well as relatives can lead an almost normal life. This is the only way to quickly initiate suitable therapeutic measures. If a hyperactivity disorder is not treated, those affected may otherwise slip into social exclusion. Additional health restrictions, such as depression or anxiety disorders, are not uncommon. They occur mostly in adults with ADHD. According to scientists, the increased tendency to use drugs can also be the result of an insufficiently treated ADHD disorder.

Find out more about the diagnosis of ADHD here.

Misdiagnosed ADHD? What else could it be

ADHD is not a disorder that can be clearly diagnosed or ruled out medically. Because the symptoms can appear in a weak form in healthy children as part of a normal course of development, AD (H) S is often not recognized by some doctors. On the other hand, ADHD is often misdiagnosed. Because there are many other possible causes of the symptoms. For example:

  • School under or overwhelmed
  • Lack of sleep, lack of exercise, malnutrition and / or neglect
  • autism
  • intellectual disabilities
  • Perceptual disorders
  • Brain damage
  • epilepsy
  • various mental disorders or illnesses, such as schizophrenia or borderline personality disorder

Therapy: Don't just treat ADHD with medication

ADHD therapy is usually based on a multimodal treatment concept. These include:

  • psychotherapeutic measures,
  • professional behavioral training of parents or adults,
  • Learning therapy and
  • the administration of suitable medications, in particular the active ingredient methylphenidate (for example in Medikinet or Ritalin)

These drugs promote cerebral blood flow, which is why people can usually concentrate better and become calmer. However, the use of these agents has been controversial for years because undesirable side effects such as insomnia or lack of interest mean additional burdens. In addition, there are no long-term studies on the effects and possible consequential damage.

Affected people must clarify with the attending doctor what an individually appropriate therapy can look like. Parents should also talk to the child about the individual components of his therapy. Treating ADHD always means weighing up the advantages and disadvantages of the various options and making a joint decision.

Find out more about the therapy and use of medication for ADHD here.

Course and prognosis in ADHD

In about half of the children affected by ADHD, the symptoms disappear with adulthood. The long-term course is very different individually. However, the more pronounced the symptoms in childhood, the greater the likelihood that they will also show up in adulthood. A lack of social support is also a factor that can have a negative impact on the prognosis.

Read all about ADHD and ADD in adults here.

Promote concentration among schoolchildren

Promote concentration among schoolchildren