ADHD diagnosis • These tests provide information!

Various tests, a physical examination and the processing of a detailed questionnaire are among the options for diagnosis of ADHD. The experience of the examining doctor and the cooperation of the parents are required here.

ADHD is usually diagnosed at preschool or primary school age. The clear diagnosis of ADHD is often preceded by vague assumptions. Parents notice that their children are particularly restless, stand out in school, or bring bad grades home. It is also common that they cannot concentrate or that they are often prone to outbursts of anger. Does this behavior immediately mean the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder diagnosis?

Overview of article content:

ADHD in adults and children: 20 important symptoms

Diagnosing ADHD is not always easy

In fact, the diagnosis of ADHD is not easy. There is simply no clear indication, such as a laboratory value, that would prove the fault. For a reliable diagnosis, a high degree of professionalism is therefore required of the doctor (pediatrician or adolescent or psychiatrist) who, if suspected of having ADHD, carries out a comprehensive examination and questioning based on an internationally recognized classification scheme.

  • to the ADHD test

    How parents can tell whether their child's hyperactivity or lack of concentration is still normal or is already a sign of ADHD.

The diagnosis is based on a comprehensive and intensive discussion, which should investigate typical behavioral problems for ADHD. If it is a child, the active participation of the parents is required. External and self-assessment play an important role here. Observations from teachers or educators can also be helpful.

Criteria: How the doctor tests and diagnoses ADHD

Diagnostics usually start with discussions between the doctor, parents and possibly affected child or adolescent. The following behaviors are important:

1. Attention

Possible questions from the doctor:

  • Are there frequent mistakes in homework or exams?
  • Does the child often appear absent even when a conversation is in progress?
  • Does your child often forget everyday tasks such as brushing teeth or combing hair?
  • Are small external stimuli already sufficient to distract the child's attention from an intended task?

2. Hyperactivity

Possible questions from the doctor:

  • Does your child have a constant urge to move, even when everyone else is sitting quietly at the table?
  • Does your child run around frequently or go crazy while everyone else is sitting still?
  • Does your child want to romp around all day long – even if they have just had fun and come from a soccer game, for example?

3. Impulsiveness

Possible questions from the doctor:

  • Does your child speak even when other conversations are taking place and should not be disturbed?
  • Does your child generally tend to bother others?
  • Does the child have problems waiting for something, for example when playing?
  • for the ADHD test for adults

    Constantly under pressure and the demands of everyday life growing over your head? Many adults have ADHD without knowing it. Test here whether you could be affected!

The questions can vary somewhat from doctor to doctor. For the diagnosis of ADHD, however, it is clear that, according to international guidelines, certain symptoms must have appeared at least over a period of six months and that these symptoms began at preschool age.

A certain deviation from the age-specific development of a child or adolescent also plays an important role in the diagnosis. The doctor will usually also inquire about possible accompanying symptoms such as poor reading and spelling as well as anxiety disorders and depression or coordination disorders. The family situation and the social environment are usually examined in more detail by the doctor.

Further tests and examinations for ADHD

The assessment of the behavior of the person concerned is the basis on which the diagnosis of ADHD is based. In addition, there are further tests and examinations, through which the doctor can get a comprehensive picture of the patient.

For example:

  • Physical examination (height, weight)
  • Blood pressure measurement
  • Examination of hearing and eyesight
  • Laboratory examinations (determination of thyroid values)
  • various neuropsychological test methods such as attention test, concentration test and intelligence test
  • Partial weakness test

ADHD: diagnosis in adults

The most obvious sign of ADHD is missing in adults – hyperactivity. However, the diagnosis in adulthood is similar. During the ADHD diagnosis in adults mental disorders, which often show similar symptoms, should also be excluded.

After the ADHD diagnosis

For many parents and adults, the diagnosis of ADHD often ends in a long odyssey. For many it is a relief to finally have an explanation for their child's striking behavior.

A secure and early diagnosis of ADHD is a first and important step. In consultation with the doctor and the affected child or adult, the individually correct therapy can now be initiated. In addition, there are some basic rules and tips that parents can follow when dealing with their child with ADHD in order to make everyday life a little easier and also to relieve themselves a little of the burden.

Here is the guide for parents of children with ADHD.

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