Admission only from the age of 12: Children are not allowed in this restaurant

Forbidden for children
Guests under the age of 12 are not allowed in this restaurant

Children under 12 are not allowed in the Schipperhus restaurant.


The owner of the “Schipperhus” restaurant in the Baltic Sea resort of Dierhagen bans children under the age of 12 from entering the house. This caused mixed reactions on the internet.

At some point it became too much for Ricarda Biebl: she has been the owner of the “Schipperhus” restaurant in Dierhagen for almost four years and has made a name for herself there with delicious food and a nice ambience. But now she’s causing a stir with a notice, because children under the age of 12 are now banned from her restaurant.

Only for guests aged 12 and over: Therefore, children are not allowed in this restaurant

Children are children and can be loud from time to time, cry, whine, refuse to eat and, and, and. But the stories told by the restaurant owner are probably part of the nightmare of many restaurateurs: painted walls, despite coloring books offered by the service staff, ketchup and mayo that were distributed on the upholstered furniture, food that was deliberately thrown on the floor and toddlers running barefoot across the tables. But is a ban on children the solution to the problem? You can see what other restaurateurs in the region think about Ricarda Biebl’s decision and how children feel about it in the video.

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