Advice unwanted: 3 tips to make listening easier for you

Advice unwanted
3 tips on how you can still be a good listener

Do you tend to have difficulty listening? Try the tried and tested tips we show you in the video.

When it comes to topics that affect us emotionally, we humans tend to share our opinions because we want to help the other person. That’s a good thing and not a bad thing. But sometimes the other person just needs an open ear. Then it’s time to listen.

Expressing your opinion on certain topics is human nature and is important – no question about it. It only gets stupid when the person you’re talking to doesn’t really want to hear advice from you, but rather expects an open ear. Even if it’s sometimes difficult, it can be positive to just listen.

What can you do if your advice is not wanted?

Do you find it difficult to listen? No problem, because here we have three tips for you that will make listening easier and help you avoid expressing your opinion directly.


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