Afghanistan: 53 dead, including at least 46 girls and young women, in an attack in Kabul

The suicide attack committed Friday in a training center for students in Kabul in Afghanistan left 53 dead, including at least 46 girls and young women, according to a new report released Monday by the United Nations Assistance Mission in the country ( Mana). “53 dead, at least 46 girls and young women. 110 injured. Our human rights team continues to document the crime: verify the facts and establish reliable data to counter denials and revisionism,” the mission said on its Twitter account.

Unclaimed suicide bombing

Friday, a suicide attack, which has not yet been claimed, was perpetrated in a training center preparing for university exams, located in a district of the capital home to the Shiite Hazara minority.

The Taliban authorities continued on Monday to give the same toll of 25 people dead and 33 injured in this attack. Over the weekend, sporadic demonstrations, led by women, took place in Kabul and other cities to denounce the attack. These initiatives were immediately stifled by the Taliban forces, who fired into the air several times to disperse the demonstrators.

The Hazara community considered ungodly

Girls’ education is an extremely sensitive issue in Afghanistan, a country with a Sunni majority. The Taliban banned secondary education (middle and high school) for girls. Female students, on the other hand, are admitted to university, but their number should decrease over the years, for lack of having been to college and high school.

The Taliban also regard the Hazara community as godless, and human rights groups have often accused them of targeting them. The regional branch of the Islamic State jihadist group, EI-K, which in the past has also claimed responsibility for several attacks against the Hazaras, also considers them heretics and also opposes the education of girls.

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