After 12 years of suffering, he receives an excruciating diagnosis that leaves him with devastating regrets

After years of daily pain, a father was recently diagnosed with a detectable brain tumor, according to information from The Sun.

For more than twelve years, Ben Jones, a 37-year-old man from Merthyr Tydfil in Wales, suffered daily. A difficult situation for the father who could do up to 30 seizures per daywithout any diagnosis being able to be made on the reason for these pains, as revealed The Sun in an article on Monday, September 19.

It all started in 2010, when Ben Jones went to Prince Charles Hospital, after contracting meningitis. Four years later, he went to the hospital again, for the same reason. In both cases, the doctors did not detect no abnormalities on brain scans made. For many years, therefore, he continued to experience seizures which he describes as “mini heart attacks” and taking significant amounts of painkillers in order to hold on.

A diagnosis made 12 years later and a medical error pointed out

In July 2022, Ben Jones went to the hospital again and a diagnosis was finally made: he suffers from a brain tumor. While being transferred to another hospital for specialized treatment, he learns that his tumor was actually quite visible from the first scans. A real shock for the 37-year-old man who confided: “It wasn’t until they showed me the scans going back to 2010 that I realized Prince Charles Hospital had been missing it all that time… It’s visible. I could see it and my partner could see it too“.

A medical error which is very expensive for the Welshman since the cancer has spread over the years. From now on, the man who lost his driver’s license and his job as a railway site manager due to his state of health must endure a surgery next October. Doctors will try to remove his tumor even if they are quite skeptical about the success of this operation. After that, Ben Jones will probably have to follow”chemotherapy or radiotherapy“. A long medical process that could have been avoided if the correct diagnosis had been made twelve years earlier.

© Photo by Jair Lazaro on Unsplash

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The 37-year-old Welshman was having numerous seizures, resembling mini heart attacks.

© Photo by Marcelo Leal on Unsplash

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He went to the hospital to perform several scans without being given a diagnosis.

© Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

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Brain scan
A brain tumor was finally detected in July 2022. The latter had been clearly visible on scanners for more than 12 years.

© Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

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Ben Jones denounces a medical error and many complications for him since the tumor has spread for several years.

© Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

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He will be operated on in October 2022, the doctors will try to remove the tumor. He will likely need chemotherapy or radiation therapy afterwards.

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