After a long radio silence: cancer patient Tim Lobinger reports back

After a long radio silence
Cancer patient Tim Lobinger is back

Last October, Tim Lobinger announced that his cancer was incurable. After months of radio silence, the ex-pole vaulter has now published a new photo of himself on Instagram. The post is mistaken with positive words.

Tim Lobinger has returned to Instagram with a new post after many weeks. The ex-pole vaulter, who is suffering from cancer, is as combative as usual in the post, despite his serious illness.

Lobinger published a picture of himself in the fresh air. “Typical winter look. And yet I’m almost always cold,” he wrote along with a smiling emoticon. With some of the set hashtags, he makes it clear that he is currently in a positive mood. Among other things, it says not only #continue, but also #highfivetolife, #energy, #gooddays or #power.

The followers show a lot of support in the comments. “Furthermore, a lot of strength in the fight against this disease,” writes one user. Another commented: “Many ‘miracles’ have already happened. Please believe and live.” And another comment reads: “You are a fighter! Keep it up – for you, for your family and friends!” Long-distance runner Sabrina Mockenhaupt is certain: “You can do it.”

The former pole vaulter and athletic trainer of the RB Leipzig football club was diagnosed with leukemia in early 2017 and was able to defeat the cancer with stem cell therapy, but the disease returned. In October 2022 he told the “Bild” newspaper: “There will be no more healing for me. My cancer is too aggressive.” But he also explained that every day he can spend with his family is worth fighting for.

Lobinger’s personal wish was recently fulfilled. He became a grandfather before Christmas, as he and his daughter Fee confirmed in an interview with the magazine “Bunte” at the end of January. “The little one is incredible,” said the 50-year-old. His granddaughter’s name is Fia. “I always wanted to become a young grandpa,” he continued. But he still hasn’t been able to meet his granddaughter because “I’m still too weak for long car journeys at the moment”.

He also confirmed to the magazine in the summer that he could lead his daughter down the aisle. “That day I was just the father of the bride, not Tim who was suffering from cancer. That was really good for me,” he explained at the time. He is currently training so that he can visit little Fia soon.

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