After attack on Crimea: Russia threatens USA with consequences

After attack on Crimea
Russia threatens USA with consequences for missile attack

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Russia is renewing its threats following a Ukrainian attack on Crimea that left several people dead and many injured. This time, they are specifically directed at the USA. Meanwhile, a state of emergency has been declared in the port city of Sevastopol on the peninsula.

Russia has threatened the USA with consequences for a Ukrainian missile attack on the annexed Crimean peninsula, in which at least four people were killed and more than 150 others were injured. Presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov described the attack as “absolutely barbaric” and said that there would be consequences. “What exactly – time will tell.” Russia will react to US involvement in the attack. Peskov referred to the Russian threat to station missiles within striking distance of the USA and its European allies.

According to Russian sources, Ukraine fired five US-supplied ATACMS missiles equipped with cluster warheads at Crimea on Sunday. Four missiles were shot down by air defenses, and the ammunition from a fifth missile detonated in the air.

Rocket debris landed near a beach and two children were among the dead, it was reported. Russia immediately blamed the USA because it had supplied the rockets and US specialists had determined the flight coordinates based on information from US spy satellites.

State of emergency in Sevastopol

Meanwhile, the authorities in the port city of Sevastopol on Crimea, which was annexed by Russia, have declared a state of emergency. “I order … to declare a state of emergency in the territory of the city of Sevastopol until further notice,” says the decree issued by Governor Mikhail Razvoszhaev and published by Russian news agencies. The state of emergency can restrict citizens’ constitutional rights, such as freedom of movement.

Most of the victims were sunbathing on a city beach in Sevastopol when rocket debris fell and exploded. There was no air raid warning. The Russian military initially claimed responsibility for the rocket launch, but later retracted this claim and said that the Ukrainian missiles had been fired at civilians.

However, even in Russian military blogs, this claim is sometimes questioned. There are several military facilities nearby. In recent weeks, Ukraine has increasingly targeted Russian air defense systems in Crimea. The most recent attack is said to have hit a space communications center.

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