After attack on woman – After beating attack on woman in Schaffhausen: Politics takes action – News

There are disturbing images that a surveillance camera filmed and that the “Rundschau” newspaper has made public: A woman is beaten so badly by several men in the private apartment of a lawyer in Schaffhausen that she has to be hospitalized.

The police are said to have acted unprofessionally in their investigation into the beating.

The accusations against the police and public prosecutor

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The day after the woman was beaten, the Schaffhausen police received orders from the public prosecutor’s office to search the house and “search and evaluate any storage media that could be found.”

However, according to information from “Rundschau”, the police did not confiscate the computer with the surveillance footage stored on it, but filmed it – without sound – from the lawyer’s cell phone. The lawyer is said to have previously told the police officers that the computer screen was broken.

Even during a second house search, the police did not take the data storage device with them, but instead saved the film footage on a USB stick. The lawyer is said to have helped to secure the data.

In addition, the police only confiscated the lawyer’s cell phone during another house search more than a year after the crime had taken place.

The police do not want to comment on this – and refer to the Schaffhausen public prosecutor’s office because of the ongoing criminal investigation. In a written statement, the public prosecutor’s office rejects all allegations as unfounded and false: “Everything was done correctly by the law enforcement authorities in this case and the authorities were not guilty of any irregularities,” it says. And: “Due to official and investigative secrecy, the options for the Schaffhausen authorities to correct the events and allegations described are severely limited.”

External examination necessary?

The case has left Schaffhausen politicians unmoved. And voices are being raised calling for an independent investigation.

There is certainly nothing you can do, but you have to look and act.

The SP faction in the Schaffhausen cantonal council wants to submit a motion – co-initiated by its cantonal council candidate Bettina Looser. “I was really shocked when I saw this report. There is certainly no way to do nothing, but to look and act,” says Looser. Of course, a political response must be made: “The government has a duty to look very closely internally at what has gone wrong. And parliament has a duty to act.” At most, it would make sense to commission an external investigation.

Now the responsible authorities should look into this.

FDP candidate for the government council, Marcel Montanari, was also shocked when he saw the pictures. But he thinks an external investigation is premature at this point. “The relevant authorities should now look into this.” He also has great confidence in the government. “The government has shown in the past – especially when it comes to personnel decisions – that it can take action when necessary.” It will certainly look into this closely. It is also free to call in external experts and to issue certain orders. “But it must take place in an orderly, constitutional manner,” said Montanari.

Responsible government councillor insists on separation of powers

And that is the case, according to SVP government councillor and police chief Cornelia Stamm Hurter: Since the case is ongoing, charges will soon be brought. “The court will then be responsible and will examine the allegations. Certain complaints will then be made, such as that the evidence gathering was not carried out correctly. And then the court will judge this. This clearly ensures that an independent body is looking into it.”

It is very important to the police chief in charge that the separation of powers is respected. Politicians should not interfere in the ongoing proceedings.

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