After-Baby-Body: 9 sentences every woman should hear

The after-baby body makes many women unhappy – and it stands for the miracle of pregnancy! On the net, a mother complains of her suffering and hears just the right thing.

There are four small words that exercise great power. They offend our feelings, our self-confidence and yet we pronounce them ourselves. Because many women are not at peace with themselves and their bodies – especially if they have just given birth to a child.

It's these four little words a woman uses to open a thread on Reddit. They are at the top, in bold type. They pause, out of compassion, but in many cases also for a much more personal reason: Because we have already caught ourselves thinking about these four little words.

When women no longer like their bodies

In the post on Reddit, a mother anonymously describes how she feels with her after-baby body. This was triggered by photos that she showed before the birth of her two daughters: "It brought me to tears to see my old self in sports and swimming gear," admits the woman. She would still move a lot, but she was just too exhausted for workouts. Instead, she is ashamed. In front of her husband, but also in front of herself: "My self-confidence has been shattered," the mother writes, and at the same time condemns herself: "I feel stupid because the babies are so worth it, but my old pictures triggered something in me . "

The words of the double mom go to the heart – because they give an insight into the minds of many people who are dissatisfied with their bodies. And that is exactly why the article is so worth reading. Because what is then returned is what every woman wants to read about her after-baby body!

9 things every mother with an after-baby body should hear

What a man has to say about after-baby bodies

"It is so corrosive that women have to deal with it additionally on the hardships of pregnancy and childbirth and society conveys that you should be both thin and give birth to a lot of children. "

He himself has a completely different opinion about a woman's body. And we should memorize them very strongly:

"If it consoles somehow: After my wife gave birth to our son, my preferences for what I find attractive about women have changed drastically. (…) Even if you don't like your body right now, consider the possibility that your husband may burst out with joy – and feel it sincerely, not just to be nice. "

Yes, many men love after-baby bodies!

"Many men love the curves and softness of a woman. Most are attracted to women at the same stage. A man with children prefers a woman who looks like she has had children!"

Women also find comforting words …

"You have a newborn. Give yourself some time. Be careful that it can also be the baby blues."

"Have you ever seen a new mom and thought her husband was ashamed of her perfectly normal after-baby pounds?

You don't have to be ashamed of anything, be nicer to yourself. This self-loathing should never cross your mind and nobody thinks of you that way. ❤️

I have seen many mothers with many body shapes and all I think is how incredible it is that they created a new personhow tired they have to be and how cute their babies are and that I hope they are mentally well! "

"It took your body nine months to build a human being. Now it will take nine months before you feel human again. I also gained a lot of weight. My feet became one size larger and I lost my waist. It will take some time for it to normalize, but you will be fine again. Except for the feet. They are over! " ?

… and sum up that an after-baby body is actually quite great!

"We are people who can literally create other people, how crazy is that ?! And then we teach these little beings great things about how your weight doesn't determine your value. I believe in you!"

"Your two babies love your body. It smells of the person they love the most. It is soft and cozy and the best place to sleep. It keeps them warm. It vibrates to a voice that sounds like security."

Your body is so much more important than it was before! Your body created the two most important people in your life. Your body has never been loved more than right now.
