After jury’s guilty verdict: Biden will not pardon son Hunter

After the jury found the defendant guilty
Biden does not want to pardon son Hunter

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The difference between the US President and his predecessor is evident in his dealings with the justice system: While Trump dismisses his guilty verdict as a witch hunt, Biden wants to respect the jury’s verdict against his son Hunter.

US President Joe Biden has reiterated that he does not want to pardon his convicted son Hunter or reduce his sentence. “I said I will abide by the jury’s decision. I will do that. And I will not pardon him,” Biden said at a press conference in Fasano, southern Italy, on the sidelines of the summit of seven major industrial nations (G7), in response to a journalist’s question about the trial. Biden also made it clear that he does not want to reduce his son’s sentence. When asked whether he intends to do so, Biden answered “no,” according to journalists present.

Earlier this week, a jury in the US state of Delaware found Hunter Biden guilty of making false statements when purchasing a weapon in October 2018 and concealing his drug addiction at the time. He denies making false statements and thus acquiring and possessing the weapon illegally. He faces a prison sentence of several years. However, since he has no previous convictions, the 54-year-old could also get away without going to prison. The sentence will be announced at a later date – a date has not yet been set.

“I am proud of my son”

Biden had already made it clear that he did not want to get involved in the case. The 81-year-old stressed in Italy that he was “extremely proud” of his son. “He has overcome his addiction and is one of the most intelligent and decent men I know.” Biden wants to be re-elected in November against his Republican predecessor Donald Trump.

Two weeks ago, Trump was found guilty in the so-called hush money trial in New York. The sentence is still pending here too. After the guilty verdict, Trump called the judiciary “corrupt” and presented himself as the opera of an alleged political “witch hunt.”

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