After one month out – PV storage subsidy was a drop in the ocean

At the energy saving fair in Wels at the beginning of March, Climate Minister Leonore Gewessler (Greens) announced a subsidy for retrofitting PV systems with a power storage unit. This was actually launched on April 10th – and expired again on May 3rd because the budget had been exhausted.

Due to falling feed-in tariffs for solar power, retrofitting photovoltaic systems with storage is very popular – a very expensive matter, for which there is no longer any funding. Only those who were quick in April had the opportunity to get financial support from the federal government.35 million euros were quickly goneAs reported, Climate Minister Leonore Gewessler announced at the Wels Energy Saving Fair that the funding would start on April 10th – retroactively from January 1st. Gewessler’s ministry made 35 million euros available for this. And it was gone in an instant.”The budget was far too low and had already been exhausted on May 3rd,” complains State Energy Minister Markus Achleitner (ÖVP). Since then, support in the form of a VAT exemption has only been available for solar power storage systems that are built directly with a new PV system. Large storage systems with more than 50 kWh are also subsidized. “Relaunch” subsidies “The broad use of small storage systems plays a particularly important role,” says Achleitner. He appeals to the minister to “relaunch” the subsidies for retrofitting and this time to provide sufficient federal funds.” He also wants to lobby for this at the conference of state energy representatives next Thursday and Friday and bring about a “closer relationship” with his colleagues in this regard.
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