After racism allegations: North Macedonian Association demands punishment for Arnautovic

After accusations of racism
North Macedonian Association demands punishment for Arnautovic

After his frenzy in the game against Austria, the Football Association of North Macedonia is now demanding consequences for Marko Arnautovic and demanding the “severest punishment” for the Austrian national player from UEFA. Arnautovic himself continues to reject accusations of racism.

The Football Association of North Macedonia has demanded punishment of the Austrian Marko Arnautovic after his goal celebration in the 3-1 victory in the European Championship preliminary round on Sunday. Arnautovic had previously rejected criticism of his emotional goal celebration.

The former Bremer is said to have insulted the Macedonian player Ezgjan Alioski after his decisive goal and also made racist remarks. “I am not a racist and I will never be one,” emphasized Arnautovic after returning to the team quarters in Seefeld, Austria.

The North Macedonian Association, on the other hand, shared on Monday evening on his Facebook pagethat he had sent an official letter to the European Football Union, UEFA, “in which we demand the severest punishment for the Austrian national player”. One is always “against nationalism, discrimination and all other forms of insults and outbursts that are not in the spirit of football and the values ​​we all stand for”. They will always stand up and defend the interests and dignity of the Macedonian national players wherever they appear.

Arnautovic, on the other hand, spoke of a “battle of words in the emotions, from one side as from the other”. Politics or racism definitely didn’t play a role. “My friends, who have grown into my family, are from all over the world,” said Arnautovic, who is known for his emotionality.

Serbian and Croatian media reported after the game that you could clearly see on Arnautovic’s lips that he had shouted: “I fuck your shiptar motherUsers also want to have recognized the abuse on social media. The players from North Macedonia or UEFA have not yet confirmed this. In Serbian, “Shiptar” is used as a derogatory racist insult to Albanians.

Arnautovic was born and raised in Vienna, but his family is from Serbia and many relatives live there. As he once said himself: “There’s a Serb in me. “His alleged insults after the goal were aimed specifically at Ezgjan Alioski, who plays for Leeds United and is of Albanian origin. Both players had had a kind of private duel earlier during the game Arnautovic and Alioski talked quietly in the field.
