After riots in Brazil: investigations against ex-President Bolsonaro strained

After riots in Brazil
Ex-President Bolsonaro under investigation

Did election loser Jair Bolsonaro incite the riots in the Brazilian capital? Yes, suspects the Attorney General’s Office and requests investigations against the ex-president. As evidence, she cites a video that he only published after the riots.

The Brazilian Attorney General wants to investigate the riots in Brasilia against ex-President Jair Bolsonaro for alleged “incitement and intellectual authorship”. The authority said on Friday (local time) that she had asked the Supreme Court to put Bolsonaro on a list of people to be investigated.

With the release of a video that “questions the legality of the 2022 presidential elections,” the right-wing extremist “publicly instigated the commission of a crime,” the statement said. The video was released two days after Bolsonaro supporters violently stormed the presidential palace, Congress and the Supreme Court and was later deleted.

Evidence despite later publication

The attorney general’s office said the video, although taken after the riots, can serve as “conclusive evidence” warranting “a global investigation into the defendant’s actions before and after January 8, 2023.”

On Sunday, hundreds of Bolsonaro supporters in the capital broke into the congress building, the presidential palace and the seat of the Supreme Court, causing hours of havoc there. Her anger was vented at the election victory of left-wing politician Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, who narrowly defeated Bolsonaro in a runoff and has been in office since the beginning of the year.

The protesters do not recognize Lula’s election victory. Bolsonaro himself did not do this either and left for the USA before the transfer of office. It was announced on Thursday that a document containing plans to “correct” the election results was found in the home of Bolsonaro confidant and former Attorney General Anderson Torres. Torres is also in the United States.

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