After Stray’s cat, you will soon be able to embody an adorable mouse

As in straythe game where you play as a cat, The Spirit and the Mouse will soon allow us to embody another very cute and unexpected hero: a little mouse, called Lila.

Cats are not the only animals to be entitled to a video game that is entirely dedicated to them. After strayit’s the turn of The Spirit and the Mouse wanting to position themselves in this segment. In this game, we will embody a little mouse named Lila, who wants to help the villagers of Sainte-et-Claire, a small fictional town in France. The game is currently being developed by the American studio Armor Games, and should be released at the end of 2022 on PC and Nintendo Switch.

On August 6, 2022, the Twitter account of The Spirit and the Mouse did not fail to remind us that mice also had their place in gamesjust like cats.

The Spirit and the Mouse puts us in the shoes of a mouse

If the idea of ​​playing a cat ever seemed implausible to you, then what about a tiny little mouse? This is the challenge that the American studio Armor Games has set itself, and the result will see the light of day at the end of 2022. The Spirit and the Mouse, we should embody Lila, a little mouse guardian of the spirits. She will have a heavy task to accomplish: that of making happy the inhabitants of a small fictitious French village, Sainte-et-Claire.

The first images of the game’s trailer suggest that we can control Lila as we see fit: on the streets of the city, on the roofs, in tiny little holes (all the happiness of being a mouse ). The little mouse would also benefit from certain magical powers and increased resistance to electricity. The little exploration side, meanwhile, should give an interesting dimension to the player, who can sneak around town and help the villagers.

The Lila mouse in The Spirit and the Mouse. // Source: Armor Games Studios Trailer

There is no doubt that Armor Games Studios will be able to play on the card of empathy and benevolence to encourage you to try The Spirit and the Mouse. Who better than a mouse or a cat could offer us such a beautiful sight?

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