After strong protests, Peru stops classifying transgender people as people with “mental disorders”

This classification sparked strong protests in Peru. The South American country will stop classifying cases of transgender people as mental disorders, a classification abandoned in 2022 by the World Health Organization.

The Ministry of Health announced on Tuesday June 26 that transgender people would now be described as having a “gender mismatch”which will guarantee them universal access to mental health treatments.

This decision follows the government’s update last month of the list of insurable conditions, which since 2021 has offered benefits for mental health treatments.

Hundreds of people protested in front of the Ministry of Health in Lima against this classification on May 17, on the occasion of the World Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia. “We are not mentally ill and we do not suffer from any mental disorder”Gianna Camacho, activist within the National Federation of Human Rights (CNDDHH), told Agence France-Presse (AFP).

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