After the suppression of certain products, the ceiling of 25 euros will be modified?

From January 1, 2024, certain changes will be made to the operas of the côté des tickets restaurant. The following food courses are in the supermarket, and there is a certain category of products with different titles. A new regulation that requires the ceiling to be set at 25 euros or modified to be announced.

Apparu dans 60 années en France, the ticket restaurant is also a part of the commun payment. It’s plus 4.8 million French salaries in a benign year, so it’s plus 7.5 billion euros! Cependant il faut savoir que 10% de ces titles sont inutilisés soit a perte sèche de près de 700,000 euros, ce qui n’est pas rien. Afin de lutter against ce déficit, le gouvernement a pris la décision de dématérialiser l’ensemble de ces titres d’ici 2026, une simplification du dispositif qui a pour but « The faire en sorte que cela coûte moins cher aux restaurateurs».

A new regulation that touches the list of eligible products with the genre of titles. From January 1st, 2024, it will be possible to have the products directly consumed as salads to the best or to prepare the ingredients. But what about the ceiling of 25 euros? What is it modified? C’est en août 2022 Que Le Governement A Fixé Le Plafond of the Titres-Restaurant à 25 Euros Jusqu’au 31 Décembre 2023. Apriere être passé à 38 Euros Juste Après Le Confinement de 2020 Puis Courant 2022, Pouvons-Nous Nous attend a fluctuation debut in 2024?

The suite après this publicity

Pas de changement prévu!

After the Vice-President of the National Commission for Titles-Restaurant, Jean-Michel Rousseau, the ceiling was set at 25 euros, and the announcement was modified: «The ensemble of partenaires is unanime à ce subject», confirme-t-il à If the organism is favorable to a difference in the ceiling between the restaurants and the orders, the man is precise that for the moment the montant de 25 euros is ideal for a good function of the device: «The experience is at a high level. Au-delà, the salarié grille sa réserve mensuelle dès les premiers jours.»

An argument that works in the real sense, a ceiling plus base, aux alentours de 19 euros par example, is insufficient to pay a note of actual restoration. A project that is valid for the Government of the People to confirm the installation of the ceiling on the year 2024.

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