after the turtlenecks, the door socks to spend the winter

VSis the new object that reassures. Now, for the past few weeks, people who had never pronounced its name have started typing the words “door seal” into their computer’s search engine. The draft excluder, this is the object we need to face all the problems of the time. Low-tech par excellence, without planned obsolescence. There will never be a version 14 draft excluder that you would have to queue up to get one first.

Unlike the Lemairist turtleneck, the door curtain does not play politics (even if a fake screenshot attributing to Olivier Véran the sentence: “If every Frenchman buys door draft excluders, we will spend the winter” turns on social networks). And because we never place excessive hopes on it, the draft excluder protects against disappointment. Neither ever really pretty nor scandalously ugly either, it protects against bad taste. At a price that will never infuriate, it is also an expense that escapes inflation, since many of those who pounce on it today would not be able to quote the evolution of the price over the last five years.

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How do we recognize them?

New purchasers of draft excluders needed to ask where it was purchased. They started by saying ” door bottom “, so as not to have to say “door stopper”which they had forbidden themselves to pronounce as much as “table trash can”. Since they saw them on Pinterest in the form of Carambar or decorated with little elves, they are convinced that the draft excluder has nothing to do with the one in the shape of a dachshund from their childhood.

They took a long time to choose it because they are convinced that they don’t have the standard doors. They figured they’d take it off when the warm weather returned, but didn’t during the last milder wave. As if fighting against the cold was not enough of a mission, they insisted, when introducing it to their friends, on its other functions (fight against dust, noise, light, the smell of cooking from the neighbours, etc.). They haven’t taken the plunge into hot water bottles yet.

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how they talk

“If I had known one day that I would come to have a draft excluder. » “I didn’t know what it was actually called. I typed “door seal” on the Internet and it came up right away… I was sure it had a real name. » “I would have preferred a beige grey, like everyone else, but it was out of stock. I took what I found for fear there would be none left. » “I had seen that at my neighbors upstairs and I thought that I could not assume. » “I attached a hook-and-loop tape to it. » “It’s 2 degrees warmer when I get up! » « When you order your door draft excluder, you immediately take ten years in your head. » “My neighbors across the street have artificial turf behind the door. That, never! “Crochet squares are back in fashion…” “It must be in a nice felt, in tweed, in linen or in a chic old leather. » “Anyway, it does the job. » “We have to see in time…”

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