after warnings from Joe Biden, Israel announces to allow “temporary” delivery of aid to the Gaza Strip via Ashdod and Erez

Is Joe Biden’s pressure starting to bear fruit? Israel announced on Friday April 5 that it would allow delivery ” temporary “ aid in the Gaza Strip, via the port of Ashdod and the Erez crossing point.

The war cabinet authorized the government to “take immediate steps to increase humanitarian aid” for’“avoid a humanitarian crisis” And “ensure the continuation of the fighting”declared the office of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a statement, a few hours after a warning from the American president.

During a telephone interview with Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday – the first since March 18 – Joe Biden suggested, for the first time, that the United States was warning Israel about their support. Joe Biden “clearly stated that US policy towards Gaza would be determined by our assessment of the concrete steps taken by Israel” to protect civilians, the White House reported in a press release.

“President Biden stressed that the strikes against aid workers and the general humanitarian situation [à Gaza] are unacceptable”reported the White House, adding that the American president had, during this call, “Emphasized the need for Israel to announce and implement a series of specific, concrete and measurable measures to address civilian harm, humanitarian suffering and the safety of aid workers.”

Mr. Biden also urged Mr. Netanyahu to “conclude an agreement without delay” for a “immediate ceasefire” in the Gaza Strip. White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby then said the United States was calling for a “spectacular increase” of humanitarian aid entering the Palestinian enclave, also recognizing a “growing discontent” facing the Israeli Prime Minister.

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“Growing discontent”

Relations between the two allies have been strained since Washington allowed the vote by the UN Security Council at the end of March of a resolution calling for a “immediate ceasefire”, rejected by Israel and without effect on the ground. However, the United States authorized the transfer of thousands of bombs to Israel that same Monday, report The Washington Post And CNN, citing several American officials. According to The New York TimesJill Biden asked her husband to end the conflict in the Gaza Strip.

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“What we expect and hope to see in the hours and days to come is a dramatic increase in humanitarian aid, the opening of new crossing points and a reduction in violence against civilians and certainly humanitarian workers”White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby told reporters.

The telephone call between Joe Biden and Benjamin Netanyahu takes place in a context of “growing discontent” of Washington facing its ally, according to a White House spokesperson. “Yes, there is growing discontent”said John Kirby, asked about Joe Biden’s state of mind while Benjamin Netanyahu has so far remained deaf to his calls to act in the face of the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza.

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