Against the afternoon slump: This snack helps better than coffee

Nutrition expert reveals
This snack helps against the afternoon slump better than coffee

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We all probably know the typical tiredness after lunch. But against the afternoon slump you shouldn’t reach for coffee – rather this healthy pick-me-up snack.

Well, did you have a sumptuous lunch? Then the obligatory low in the afternoon will probably not be long in coming. Because our body needs a lot of energy to digest a large meal, we are often overcome by a paralyzing fatigue. Most people’s favorite antidote is coffee. The caffeine it contains wakes us up by blocking the effects of the drowsy neurotransmitter adenosine. The downside: the effect doesn’t last very long.

Pumpkin seeds: The perfect snack against the afternoon slump

Neuroscientist and nutritionist Dr. Daniel Amen has another tip against the afternoon slump: In the “mindbodygreen” podcast he recommends pumpkin seeds to drive away tiredness in a sustainable and healthy way.

The seeds owe their awakening effect to one property in particular: “Pumpkin seeds improve dopamine absorption,” reveals Dr. Amen. The contained neurotransmitter tyrosine regulates motivation and arousal, among other things. “Therefore, if you’re having a dip in the afternoon, the cores can help.”

But pumpkin seeds can do even more: they are rich in magnesium, which is important for regulating blood sugar levels. Fatigue after lunch is often due to the rapid drop in blood sugar. So instead of fighting the energy slump in the short term with caffeine from coffee or tea, Dr. Amen, keep our blood sugar steady with healthy snacks – pumpkin seeds are perfect. In addition, they contain a large amount of fiber, which keeps us full for a long time and prevents further drops in blood sugar levels.

Energy boost with health benefits

Incidentally, iron is also found in large quantities in pumpkin seeds. Fatigue can often be a warning sign of iron deficiency, so snacking on the healthy seeds may help.

Next time that afternoon slump hits you, try a handful of pumpkin seeds as a snack instead of an espresso. Another idea: the seeds also taste delicious in a smoothie. Or you can incorporate them directly into your lunch – for example as a salad topping. This is how you prevent the lurking tiredness in the afternoon.

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