Age of Empires 4: an Xbox version in test phase at Microsoft

According to a famous leaker, Microsoft is currently preparing a port on the Xbox consoles of Age of Empires 4. It remains to be seen how the manufacturer intends to adapt the gameplay of this RTS to the controller.

Credit: Microsoft

This October 28, 2021, a real-time strategy game monument has made its comeback. This is of course Age of Empires 4. Expected for several years, the game quickly established itself as a safe bet, namely to be a worthy heir to the previous episodes of the saga, while offering some new features (which however do not fundamentally change the experience).

Like many titles from studios owned by Microsoft, the title went through the box “simultaneous release on PC and Xbox Game Pass” to ensure success with as many players as possible. It must be said that the maneuver has worked several times, whether for Halo Infinite, Forza Horizon 5 which has become the biggest box of the platform, or for Flight Simulator.

Age of Empires 4 coming to Xbox soon?

Only and according to the ALumia_Italia leaker, Age of Empires 4’s career may well continue soon on Xbox One and Xbox Series X / Series S. Indeed, the leaker had fun poking around in Microsoft’s Insider Hub looking for mentions of certain code names known to the manufacturer.

However, the name of a new file uploaded for internal testing at Microsoft’s Xbox division caught his attention: XIP_CAR_JANUARY_2022. As he specifies, CAR is the abbreviation of “CARDINAL”, the internal code name for Age of Empires 4. You will understand, this element indicates that Microsoft is currently working on a port of the famous RTS on its Xbox consoles. Regarding the date of January 2022, it seems unlikely that this is the release date, no official information has yet been released about a possible console port of the title. In contrast, this date could refer to the beginning of the portage development.

As a reminder, the game developers had already made it known that they were open to the idea of ​​offering Age of Empires 4, once the title is launched on PC: “We are thinking about you. As soon as we’re done handling the launch of the game on PC, we’ll start thinking about how to make it work on consoles. We don’t have any final plans yet, but it’s now that we’ll start to really think about it ”, they declared in October 2021 in an interview given to our colleagues at Multiplayer-it.

Source: VideoGameChronicles

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