Agreement with Israel: Hezbollah lifts its “exceptional” military measures

The pro-Iranian Hezbollah announced Thursday, October 27 to end its military measures “exceptionalfacing Israel, after the conclusion of the agreement on the maritime border between Lebanon and the Jewish state which distributes the offshore gas fields in the eastern Mediterranean.

With the conclusion of the agreement (…) the mission of the Resistance is overannounced in a speech the leader of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, who had threatened Israel if it began extracting gas from the Karish field before the conclusion of an agreement. “All the measures and provisions and the exceptional and specific mobilizations of the Resistance in recent months are over.“, he added.

SEE ALSO – What does the agreement on borders signed between Lebanon and Israel mean?

“Great victory for Lebanon”

The leader of the powerful army formation hailed as “a great victory for lebanonthe agreement reached Thursday between the two countries technically still in a state of war. He assured that the agreement was notan international treaty or recognition of Israel“.

Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid said the deal was a “acknowledgementof the Jewish state by Beirut, but Lebanese President Michel Aoun, an ally of Hezbollah, retorted that he had no “political dimension“.

Exploit gas fields

The agreement, which will allow the two countries to exploit gas fields in the eastern Mediterranean, was reached thanks to years of American mediation. Under this agreement, the Karish field lies entirely within Israeli waters.

In early July, the Israeli army intercepted unarmed drones sent by Hezbollah to Karish. Without even waiting for the signature on Thursday, the energy group Energean launched natural gas production on the Karish field on Wednesday, after receiving the green light from the Israeli government.

SEE ALSO – Crisis: what future for Lebanon?

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