Agricultural show: “paquito”, dances and tastings on Jean Lassalle’s program

Solene Leroux
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6:41 p.m., March 04, 2022

Presidential candidate Jean Lassalle made good use of the Agricultural Show this year. The former shepherd from Béarn tasted cheese, offered by a breeder, but also did a few dance steps, kissed the skull of one of his supporters, or even concluded his visit with a “paquito”.

This is a must for presidential candidates. They follow one another at the Agricultural Show. And for Jean Lassalle this year again, it was a real show. He was very warmly welcomed on site, as reported by our colleagues from 20 minutes. The former Béarn shepherd took the opportunity to taste a few pieces of cheese, offered by a breeder. To which the candidate replied: “Snow star, my loving heart, got trapped, with your big eyes”, in reference to a song by Line Renaud.

A well-paced three-hour tour

“I have friends everywhere. I have to ridicule these damn opinion polls,” he then continued, strolling through the aisles of the Salon. the candidate of the “Resist!” spent three hours there, multiplying the selfies with his admirers, while not forgetting to taste the food and wine offered on his way. Jean Lassalle also took the opportunity to treat himself to a few dance steps, drive a Gascon ox, or even kiss the skull of one of his supporters.

The ex-shepherd concluded his visit with a traditional “paquito”: hearing the anthem of Rowing Bayonne, Jean Lassalle rushed arms forward, on a handful of young people who were waiting for him.

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