Ahsoka on Disney+: who are the main characters in the new Star Wars series?

Find out who are the main characters of the new Star Wars series “Ahsoka”, to be found every Wednesday exclusively on Disney+!

The new series derived from the Star Wars universe made its grand debut this Wednesday, August 23 on Disney+. The adventures of Ahsoka Tano, a former Jedi trained by Anakin Skywalker, give the general public the opportunity to become familiar with this emblematic character of the franchise, who notably appeared in season 2 of The Mandalorian.

If you haven’t seen the animated series The Clone Wars and Rebels, in which most of Ahsoka’s protagonists appear, here is a guide to the characters to be found in the new Star Wars series!

Ahsoka Tano

Played by Rosario Dawson, this former Jedi was Anakin Skywalker’s padawan.

After having actively participated in the Clone Wars, the latter however decided to leave the Jedi Order, shortly before the resolution of the conflict. This decision explains why the latter was not assassinated by the clone army following the outbreak of Order 66 by Emperor Palpatine.

This departure from the Jedi Order explains why the latter is now equipped with white lightsabers (she wore green blades in The Clone Wars series despite her padawan status).

Although she no longer bears the title of Jedi Knight, Ahsoka has continued to help the rebel forces, including the crew of the Ghost in the Rebels animated series.

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Sabine Wren

This Mandalorian played by Natasha Liu Bordizzo was one of the heroines of the Rebels series.

Trained by the Imperial Academy, the latter eventually joined the crew of the Ghost after discovering the true designs of the Empire. Caught up by her past, Sabine then participated in the defense of Mandalore armed with the Dark Saber which she then entrusted to the Jedi master Kana Jarrus.

Although she possesses only a limited mastery of Force powers, Sabine underwent Jedi training with Ahsoka, training which was never completed and to which we have no evidence. elsewhere never attended (as occurring after the end of Rebels, and several years before Ahsoka’s plot).

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Hera Syndulla

Also a member of the Ghost crew in Rebels, Hera Syndulla is a Twi’lek from the planet Ryloth (like for example Bib Fortuna, the former right-hand man of Jabba the Hutt).

Companion of the Jedi Kannan Jarus (killed during the fourth season of Rebels), the latter now holds the rank of General within the New Empire formed after the death of Palpatine.

Appearing as Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Hera is accompanied on her adventures by the droid Chopper, voiced by none other than Ahsoka and Rebels creator Dave Filoni!

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Ezra Bridger

Although frequently mentioned, this character does not appear in the first two episodes (we see him in the form of a hologram then on the fresco painted by Sabine).

Main hero of the Rebels series, this young rebel was trained in the Jedi art by Kannan Jarus. A fearless warrior, Ezra did not hesitate to sacrifice his own life in opposing the terrifying Admiral Thrawn. Missing since the end of Rebels, the latter is supposed to appear in the Ahsoka series in the guise of Eman Esfandi.

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Imperial Grand Admiral Thrawn

Also missing, Grand Admiral Imperial Thrawn is one of the last high ranking officers of the Empire still alive. This iconic villain from the Star Wars extended universe is not only a genius strategist, but also an outstanding fighter who specializes in close quarters combat.

While many interpreters were mentioned to embody Thrawn in Ahsoka, it was finally decided that Lars Mikkelsen – who already lent his voice to him in Rebels – would camp the character in this version in live action.

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This droid is dubbed in the original version by David Tennant. But her presence in Ahsoka does not mark her very first appearance in a Star Wars series! Huyang was indeed present in several episodes of the animated series The Clone Wars aboard the space shuttle Crucible to teach apprentice Jedi how to make their lightsaber.

For this reason, Huyang keeps in its circuits the memory of each padawan trained over the past decades. Which explains how he will manage to identify the weapon carried by Baylan Skoll.

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Baylan Skoll

This completely new character had not yet appeared in any Star Wars production. This former Jedi converted into a mercenary is played by the late Ray Stevenson, to whom the very first episode of the series is dedicated.

Note that Baylan Skoll is armed with an orange lightsaber, a color totally that no other Jedi or Sith had sported until then.

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Shin Hati

Baylan Skoll’s apprentice is played by Ukrainian actress Ivanna Sakhno. We know little about him, except that his lightsaber color is red and his Force mastery is already considerable.

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There is no doubt that the next episodes, broadcast every Wednesday on Disney +, will allow us to learn more about it!

Discover the list of all the series currently available on the platform!

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