AI can create the wallpaper of your dreams, here’s how

The new version of Android, just launched, relies on artificial intelligence to generate wallpapers based on the smartphone’s suggestions or your requests. Let’s see how it works.

Credits: Google

Google has finally unveiled the Pixel 8, the Pixel Watch 2 and especially Android 14. Among the new features of the new mobile operating system, there is one that will delight those who spend hours finding the perfect wallpaper . You are not unaware that theartificial intelligence is increasingly appearing in our smartphones. This time, AI will create the wallpaper you always dreamed of having. A new level has therefore been reached in the graphic customization of the device.

In the menu Wallpaper and style available after a long press on an empty place on the mobile desktop, there is now the option to create wallpaper with AI. The system does not let us go in the wild and guides us through several stages of creation, starting with the choice of a general theme. Dreamscape, sunny scene, dark scene… Then choose the main element : a person, an animal, an object, a building, a plant, etc. It is then necessary to assign it a characteristic like a material, then a color.

Android 14 generates your personalized wallpaper using artificial intelligence

At each step, Android suggests possibilities, but it will apparently be possible towrite your own queries. Once the wallpaper is created, you will have the choice between several versions of the same image to choose the one you like the most. Currently, only the Pixel 8 and 8 Pro get the feature. It’s not yet clear whether it will be rolled out to other Pixel or non-Pixel devices, although Google’s wording suggests so: AI-generated wallpapers “come first” to Pixels 8.

The Mountain View firm does not detail the exact operation. If the images are generated directly by the smartphone and not on Google’s servers, this means that the device must have sufficient power to take advantage of them. As a reminder, Android 14 is, among other things, available on the Pixel 4a and all models released after it.

Android 14 AI wallpaper
Credits: Google / Phonandroid

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