AI for better treatment of stroke victims? UK Delivers Stunning Results

Samir Rahmoun

December 28, 2022 at 4:50 p.m.


artificial intelligence artificial AI IA ban

A new artificial intelligence system developed in the UK is offering dramatic results for the treatment of strokes.

Artificial intelligence has continued to develop in recent years, with extremely diverse applications. It can thus be used to negotiate invoices or generate new unpublished images. However, few results are as spectacular as those recently obtained across the Channel.

60 minutes and a life gained

A new stroke treatment system is currently being developed in the UK. Called e-Stroke, it was designed by the company Brainomix and is financially supported by the government program The AI ​​in Health and Care Awards.

His particuliarity ? Use artificial intelligence to observe the brain scans of patients suspected of having a stroke and offer a quick and accurate diagnosis to the doctor. It also connects the practitioner to a network of specialists with access to scanners to provide assistance.

e-Stroke has shown that it can reduce the time between the first symptoms of a stroke and the treatment administered by an average of 60 minutes. This is an important conquest, since as the director of transformation for the NHS Timothy Ferris points out: Every minute saved on the initial in-hospital examination of people with stroke symptoms can dramatically improve a patient’s chances of leaving the hospital healthy. »

3 times more patients without sequelae

It is hardly surprising that this artificial intelligence is increasing the number of victims of vascular accidents leaving without serious sequelae. In fact, it has simply tripled thanks to e-Stroke, going from 16 to 48% of patients.

And other figures still speak for this innovation. Deployed across 11 sites in the United Kingdom, it has been used to detect more than 4,500 large blood vessel occlusions, a condition that needs to be treated very quickly to prevent the patient from disabling sequelae.

This instrument has apparently won the confidence of the medical profession. In total, since its commissioning, the diagnostic tool manufactured by Brainomix has helped to treat some 110,000 patients showing signs of a cardiovascular accident.

Sources: British government, Neowin

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