AI is being used to search for the existence of extraterrestrial life

The promises of AI are great. In the field of health, certain models are able to guess the date of death of an individual and as reported by L’Internet user, researchers also use it to track the presence of extraterrestrial life. A team of scientists published their study in the journal Nature Astronomy.

AI to draw on the millions of signals captured

AI has been used by scientists for a specific purpose: to sort the millions of signals captured by the Green Bank Telescope, the world’s largest steerable radio telescope located in West Virginia. Radio signals are constantly detected whether they come from black holes, galaxies or magnetic storms.

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Machine learning to filter signals

With machine learning, scientists have taught their AI to filter signals to only those that could be a sign of alien life. Their tool was able to identify 8 radio signals coming from 5 different stars. They are located between 34 and 88 light years from Earth, too far for any space mission. According to the study, these are not radio interference and do not come naturally from the stars.

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