AI makes uploaded photos sharper and high resolution

A free offer uses AI to improve old or slightly blurry photos in terms of resolution and sharpness.

If you have found old photos from the family history in the attic or want to optimize a snapshot for a printout, you should take a closer look at the following website. The website, simply named “Photo restoration with GFP-GAN”, uses artificial intelligence to re-stage old or blurred photos. In a few seconds, the uploaded photos are optimized by algorithms, the result is significantly sharper and higher-resolution images.

Before and after comparison

Uploading your own picture is simple: Under “Choose file” you can select a file from the hard drive. A click on the blue button labeled “Restore photo” ensures that the AI ​​starts optimizing the photo in the background. After a few seconds, the result is ready for download. Conveniently, the website offers a before and after comparison. Here you can quickly see whether the AI ​​has done its job well.

Fix old mistakes

The sharpness of the optimized photo is actually significantly higher than that of the original material. Although the result looks partly unreal due to the optimization, details are visible that were normally only visible as a blur. The result is particularly impressive with old photos from earlier times, especially when the photographer at the time made mistakes in the picture that led to a blur.

Try out!

The website can also be fed with well-known photos from the past. So if you want, you can have your favorite personalities optimized here. Unfortunately, the AI ​​does not get a good result with every source material. Some improvements are noticeable, others barely visible. Only trying out helps here.

Have old photos optimized for free with AI

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