AI to make Harrison Ford 40 years younger for next Indiana Jones


Stephane Ficca

Hardware & gaming specialist

November 26, 2022 at 2 p.m.


Indiana Jones 5 © © Empire/Disney

© Empire/Disney

Despite his 80 years, Harrison Ford will look 40 years younger in the next IndianaJones.

In the opening sequence, Indiana Jones will benefit from a ” digital rejuvenation “.

A fifth IndianaJones in 2023

Initiated in 1981, the saga IndianaJones is a monument of the adventure cinema of the 80s. After The Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) and The Cursed Temple (1984), the series concluded with a Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989) bringing together on screen Harrison Ford of course, but also a certain Sean Connery.

It was in 2008 that Steven Spielberg and George Lucas decided to offer a fourth part, with The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. A much criticized episode, but which will not prevent Disney from offering a fifth opus, with Harrison Ford of course, but also Mads Mikkelsen and Boyd Holbrook. A new opus expected in cinemas on June 28, 2023.

AI at the service of eternal youth

Now 80 years old, Harrison Ford will therefore return to service to play the character of Indiana Jones for the umpteenth time. If the film retains many mysteries, we now know that the introductory sequence will find the famous archaeologist in 1944, in a castle, facing the Nazi enemy.

For producer Kathleen Kennedy, viewers should be able to exclaim: ” Oh my God, they found footage shot forty years ago., since we will find a young Harrison Ford there. There is a simple explanation for this, namely a digital rejuvenation obtained thanks to dedicated software. In this way, the spectators will have the impression of (re) seeing a film IndianaJones dating from the 80s.

For his part, Harrison Ford said: This is the first time I’ve seen this, and found it believable. It’s a little scary. I don’t want to know how it works, but it works! We are now waiting to learn more about this fifth opus, the main plot of which would take place in 1969, during the conquest of space.

Source : Empire Online


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