aid for the replacement of boilers changes

Aid for individuals to replace individual fuel or gas heaters will be raised by 1,000 euros from April 15, and packages for the installation of gas boilers will be stopped, announced the Minister for Ecological Transition on Wednesday.

We are going to strengthen MaPrimeRnov’ in order to accelerate the replacement of fossil fuel boilers with renewable heating solutions such as heat pumps, including hybrid ones, or biomass boilers, indicated Minister Barbara Pompili during the presentation of the company’s resilience plan. economy in the face of soaring energy prices.

The government has decided to increase by 1,000 euros from next April 15 and until the end of 2022 the MaPrimeRnov’ aid granted for the installation of a virtuous heating system which makes it possible to get out of gas or fuel oil. and thus reduce the country’s dependence on imported fossil fuels, she said.

To no longer encourage households to remain dependent on gas, fixed prices for the installation of gas boilers will be stopped at the same time, added the minister.

Ms. Pompili also announced incentives for local authorities to change their heating system.

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For companies, the government intends to launch an exceptional call for projects in early April to accelerate the decarbonization of our industry.

We want to target the companies most exposed to the rise in hydrocarbons so that they can speed up energy efficiency projects or the substitution of natural gas by biomass, added the minister.

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