Ain 170 demonstrators for peace in Ukraine march in Bourg-en-Bresse

This Saturday, March 5, at the beginning of the afternoon, 170 demonstrators gathered in front of the prefecture of Bourg-en-Bresse for peace in Ukraine.

In front of the prefecture, several people spoke: representatives of associations, unions or politicians. All sharing the same incomprehension of an absurd war and calling for the reception of the populations forced into exile to escape the Russian bombardments.

There was also the moving testimony of Anouchka, a Ukrainian from Saint-Vulbas, whose family still lives there. “I no longer know what to do for my country. I would like to find my family who is there. »

A Marseillaise of peace was also sung before the start of the parade through the Burgian streets.

“It’s the people who drink”

“It’s been ten days since Putin and his regime of oligarchs started the war, the population is holed up in basements and shelters. We must seize the property of these oligarchs everywhere, ”asked in turn a representative of France Insoumise.

Daniel Blatrix was the spokesperson for the France Palestine Solidarity Association to explain that “international law cannot be divided” and that what was possible in five days for Ukraine must also be possible against the Israeli occupation.

Rémi Garraud, on behalf of NPA, made him hear an “internationalist” voice, recalling that “it is the people who toast”.

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