Air-purifying plants: These indoor plants improve your indoor climate

Air purifying plants
These indoor plants improve the indoor climate

Various indoor plants are on a table

© Follow the Flow / Shutterstock

They filter the air and improve the indoor climate: air-purifying plants not only provide more color in our four walls, but also help to make our environment healthier. We explain which indoor plants are best suited for this – and how they work.

Green roommates have long since moved into our apartments and are lovingly cared for – sometimes more, sometimes less. Plants give our own four walls liveliness and green splashes of color. Not only that, some of them can even help us sleep better and breathe healthier air. But how do air-purifying plants like these work? birch fig actually – and what types are there?

What are air-purifying plants?

Bedrooms, offices, living rooms: we often stay in closed rooms. With every breath we exhale carbon dioxide and release moisture into our environment. If there is no air circulation, the air quickly becomes low in oxygen and stuffy – we find it harder to breathe and concentrate less well.

Furniture, carpets, paintwork and electrical appliances in particular emit unhealthy substances that accumulate and contribute to the deterioration of air quality. Pollutants such as formaldehyde can irritate our mucous membranes and Tiredness, headaches or even allergies trigger. In addition to regular airing, plants that are particularly air-purifying can help here and contribute to improving the indoor climate.

Because: Plants produce new oxygen by absorbing carbon dioxide from the air and converting it. At the same time, they can filter other pollutants. Either this process takes place via special enzymes that are present in the leaves of the air-purifying plants. Or the pollutants are directed into the roots of the plant, where bacteria convert them into harmless substances.

Some air-purifying plants can even regulate the moisture content and are particularly useful in damp rooms such as the bathroom.

These are the best air-purifying plants

In addition to their positive effect on the indoor climate, most air-purifying plants are also particularly easy to care for. the bow hemp about is considered indestructible: In addition to a bright and warm location, it only needs a little water, about as much as a cactus. The following applies here: The bow hemp is more likely to cope with too little than with too much water over a longer period of time. Many plants produce more carbon dioxide and less oxygen at night – not so the snake plant. That’s why it’s particularly good for bedroom suitable and filters pollutants such as benzene and formaldehyde from the air. Note that bow tie is slightly poisonous and should be kept out of the reach of children or pets.

Also the spider plant filters formaldehyde from the air. However, it can also bind xylenes: These are pollutants that we humans absorb through our respiratory tract and skin – and which often give us headaches. Also the spider plant only has low claims. Although it prefers a bright spot, it also does well in shady rooms. It quickly forgives you for small mistakes – and rewards you with its air-purifying properties.

That A leaf As an air-purifying plant, it filters pollutants such as benzene, ammonia and trichlorethylene out of your rooms. This plant is also known under the name “peace lily‘ and looks graceful and pretty with its slender leaves and white flowers. However, this belongs A leaf belongs to the arum family and is therefore poisonous. If you have pets, this plant is less suitable for your household.

Indoor ferns are particularly pretty, air-filtering plants that do best in places with high humidity. On sword fern It also doesn’t need a lot of sun, but grows best in semi-shade. That bathroom is a perfect spot for this air-filtering plant. Your green roommate will also be happy about plenty of water – and even a refreshing shower now and then.

the rubber tree has been valued as a houseplant for years. With the right care, a small plant can grow into a stately tree that not only filters out carbon dioxide, but also pollutants from floor coverings or wall paints. The is particularly suitable for newcomers rubber tree good, because it is a very robust plant that will forgive you even longer dry spells.

the aloe vera is a real child prodigy among air-purifying plants: It not only effectively filters formaldehyde and benzene from the air we breathe, but also promotes wound healing on our skin with the cooling gel of its leaves. the aloe vera is particularly good for your bedroom, because it can also produce oxygen at night. It also copes well with a little more drought, but is happy about a bright and warm location.

With air-purifying plants for a better indoor climate

It doesn’t matter whether you have a green thumb or need some practice: There is something for everyone among the air-purifying plants. If things don’t go so well with a plant, you need one thing above all: patience. Most air-purifying plants only slowly get used to a different location or a different watering behavior. In general, it is important to avoid waterlogging as far as possible and not to expose the plants to the blazing sun. And once you get the hang of it, your green roommates will reward you with a great indoor climate and clean air.

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