The European aircraft manufacturer is depriving the Doha company of an irreplaceable type of aircraft, which could hamper its development.
Through Thierry Vigoreux
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NOTA new episode in the dispute between Airbus and its (big) customer Qatar Airways over a paint defect on the A350. After the formal notice to justice of the aircraft manufacturer by the company, the ball was in the court of Airbus. The latter has just canceled the order from Qatar Airways for 50 A321neo, a medium-carrier with long-haul performance. It’s not a trivial decision – the bill was in the order of $4.6 billion at list price – and it’s almost unprecedented. Generally, it is the carriers who cancel their orders, for lack of financing, to reorganize a network, or for lack of passengers to fill the planes.
This decision by Airbus comes just hours after the announcement by the British courts of the first hearing…
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