Alain Delon in bad shape since his stroke? The truth about his health

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To silence rumors about the actor’s state of health, Cyril Viguier, director for TV5 Monde, gave reassuring news from his friend Alain Delon.

For several months, rumors have been rife regarding the state of health of Alain Delon. For some, the 87-year-old actor would be worse off. Annoyed by the rumors, Cyril Viguier, director for TV5 Monde and friend of the actor, wanted to speak on the subject this Monday, February 13. “It’s nonsense to say that he is on the verge of death”, he let go, determined to make a point.

Victim of a stroke and a cerebral hemorrhage a few years ago, Alain Delon has often frightened his loved ones. But now, the actor would be better. He would even be in good health according to his friend.i. “He is 87 years old, of course, but I saw him a week ago at his house in Douchy, he is in good shape! Above all, he has never been so free. He only does what he wants”, he confided. Enough to silence the incessant rumors…

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An actor with great empathy

Fans of the actor were able to see him in good shape during his interview with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensly in a program broadcast on TV5 Monde on September 23, 2022. Alain Delon had supported Ukraine. “I was very touched by what is happening there. It was important to give them my support. Reading texts is not much, but it seemed essential to me. I wanted to show these people that he has my full consideration. […] What we are doing to Ukraine has saddened me deeply, that’s why I am fighting for them.” he had explained. Before continuing: “Long live Ukraine!”. “To pay attention to a people who are attacked and who fight with remarkable grace seems normal to me”.

A journalist for several years, Léa has specialized in the web. Versatile, she likes to decipher the news on a daily basis. Her favorite subjects are: health, well-being, lifestyle and …

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