Alarming figures – extremely high incidence among unvaccinated people in Upper Austria

A new detailed analysis of the infection situation in Upper Austria shows that the 7-day incidence among the unvaccinated is five to six times higher than among the vaccinated. The number of intensive care patients should, however, slowly decrease.

The number of intensive care patients in Upper Austria is currently increasing, but according to forecasts by the federal government in Upper Austria, the peak of the fourth wave has already been reached. In the next two weeks, the number of intensive care patients is expected to drop significantly from 140 to around 80. The daily new infections are also expected to decrease sharply according to forecasts. A new detailed analysis of the infection situation in Upper Austria shows that the 7-day incidence among the unvaccinated is five to six times higher than among the vaccinated. Currently the incidence among the unvaccinated is 2513, among the vaccinated part of the population it is 403. Even at the maximum value of the 7-day incidence among the unvaccinated on November 21, this was six times higher than among vaccinated persons with 516 at 3285. ” The currently valid measures to reduce contact are beginning to show effect, the incidences are declining in both unvaccinated and vaccinated people “, emphasizes Primary Bernd Lamprecht, who is also a member of the crisis team.! Function () {” use strict “; window.addEventListener ( “message”, (function (e) {if (void 0! ==[“datawrapper-height”]) {var t = document.querySelectorAll (“iframe”); for (var a in[“datawrapper-height”]) for (var r = 0; r
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