Albert of Monaco and the Palmero scandal: revelations about the prince torn between his thorny affairs and the women in his life

By Mafalda Betty


A citizen of the world who loves the blind tests of the 90s, she is passionate about the stories of the heart with or without happy endings of French and international personalities.

Claude Palmero, a man in the shadows in Monaco who is now in the spotlight since the “Le Monde” investigation carried out by journalists Gérard Davet and Fabrice Lhomme on the principality led by Albert II. A sulfurous file which notably highlights the solitude of the sovereign…

Excerpt from the show “What a time!” during which journalists Fabrice Lhomme and Gérard Davet explain their work on Monaco’s secret notebooks and the Palmero affair © France 2

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Princess Grace brought timeless glamor to Monaco. Since its reign during which it accompanied Rainier III, considered the prince builder, the principality has been a dream in the four corners of the world and attracts the biggest names. The couple’s three children have since aroused just as much interest and their love life has long been in the news. Today, the small but rich state is led by Albert II, a prince long considered shy but today the proud husband of Charlene, a former South African Olympic swimmer with whom he became the father of twins Gabriella and Jacques, 9 years old. .

A serene sovereign? Investigative journalists Gérard Davet and Fabrice Lhomme threw a wrench into the pond with an explosive investigation for The world on Claude Palmero, former administrator of the princely family’s property, disgraced on June 6, 2023 after more than twenty years of good and loyal service. In addition to dizzying amounts listed in detail in several small notebooks by this character who claims to know everything about those who employed him, there is an account of a very lonely prince. Guests of the show What an era! on France 2, they also increased the number of interviews in the media to explain their approach.

Gérard Davet and Fabrice Lhomme have signed extensive files on three Presidents of the Republic, Nicolas Sarkozy, François Hollande and Emmanuel Macron. They went beyond French borders by studying a state as small as it is powerful, Monaco. They decided to check the famous notebooks of Claude Palmero, a very informed man who, by being thanked by Albert of Monaco who wanted to do a “big clean” on his Rock, became a sort of red thread for diving into the bowels of the Principality through his notebooks in which he wrote down everything for around twenty years.

This very complex case not only highlights the impressive sums of money at stake, but also the “solitude of the prince“, as pointed out Nice morning who met the duo of investigators from World. Gérard Davet returned to the question: “Her sisters [Caroline et Stéphanie] on one side, Charlene on the other, the mothers of her illegitimate children [Nicole Coste et Tamara Jean Rotolo, qui ont respectivement donné naissance à Alexandre et Jazmin Grace]his friends, the businessmen, the prince is constantly in the middle of struggles for influence and he must arbitrate.

According to the investigation of Worldthe influence of his ex-right arm is contested by his sisters who find him too much weight in the decisions of the Rock, “outraged that an obscure accountant is spying on and controlling their expenses“. Moreover, his former connections are very demanding on what the prince owes to his natural children while Charlene’s expenses are in the viewfinder. Not to mention everything concerning Albert’s succession and the sharing of the estate. legacy…

A media affair which follows that of the Rocher files which occurred in 2022 when a mysterious website disclosed confidential documents implicating Monegasque personalities and revealing struggles for influence against a backdrop of enormous real estate stakes. Prince Albert did not remain silent in the face of this investigation by World. He wanted to tell his truth by transmitting his word through his lawyer, Me Jean-Michel Darrois, and responded on behalf of his wife, his sisters, and his nephews and nieces with whom he always wants to appear united, against all odds. and tides.

The reaction of Prince Albert II of Monaco

Claude Palmero’s prerogatives did not authorize him to speak on my behalf, which he did more and more regularly, even refusing, at times, to relay my decisions. His duties required absolute discretion, which his public statements violated. They also imposed a loyalty on him that the last unacceptable comments he made to me have trampled underfoot. In separating from Mr. Palmero, I exercised the power to choose the administrator of the property of my choice. Events have confirmed how this decision was the right one.“, explained Prince Albert II to World.

Albert II ends with a concise conclusion which says a lot about the state of their relations after 22 years of collaboration: “The attacks he makes against me and against the State and its institutions demonstrate his true nature and the little respect he actually has for the princely family and the principality..”

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