Alessandra Sublet gives humor to her breasts "not redone": Current Woman The MAG

Alessandra Sublet has always been very cash regarding her career, her relationship with her ex Clément Miserez or even on her relationship to her body and in a new interview, she once again proved that she had the sponsor (and humor). The host was Anne Roumanoff's guest on Europe 1 Thursday June 11, 2020, the opportunity to review his participation in the program Stars naked (TF1) in which it appeared in the simplest device.

Faced with the humorist who loves red, Alessandra Sublet remembered having "everything given for Stars naked " even if she was entitled to some mockery. "I have friends who said to me 'Ha, I don't know if you should have taken off the top'", and admit that she was quite in agreement with her friends. Faced with her guest, Anne Roumanoff wanted to be reassuring by saying to her: "I'm sure your breasts look great, Alessandra", in vain.

"Two children by the way"

Despite the kindness of Anne Roumanoff, Alessandra Sublet said that "no"her breasts weren't perfect."They are just not redone with two children by the way and it's not a big deal, " she assured. And to say that she didn't want to have them redone.

"I will not go under the knife,"she joked. And to continue:"There are so many girls who do that suddenly, when they are 50 years old, you say hello to them, you have the impression that they are 20. There is a problem, we must try to stay as we are ".

Read also : Alessandra Sublet confides in her special relationship with her ex-husband, Clément Miserez