Alexander Erbgraf von Fugger-Babenhausen: All the details of his wedding

Alexander Hereditary Count of Fugger-Babenhausen
All details of his high-society wedding in Augsburg

Gabriella Stoudemire and Alexander Erbgraf von Fugger-Babenhausen

© Iconoclash Photography – Teresa Marenzi and Daniel Bachler

Alexander Erbgraf von Fugger-Babenhausen and Gabriella Stoudemire have married. After the wedding had to be postponed to 2022, nobility and celebrities have now gathered in Augsburg to celebrate the bride and groom.

The name Fugger has shaped the city of Augsburg for 500 years. And so it does now! On May 18, 2024, Alexander Erbgraf von Fugger-Babenhausen, 42, married Gabriella Stoudemire, 36, in his hometown and turned the Bavarian city into a hotspot for high society for a day.

Who accompanied the couple on this day, in which location the bride and groom celebrated with the 400 invited guests and private insights behind the scenes can be found here.

Alexander Erbgraf von Fugger-Babenhausen: The guest list for his wedding

This guest list reads like an aristocratic novel. It seems that no one wanted to miss this luxurious wedding celebration of what was once Europe’s most eligible bachelor. Among the guests were Cleo zu Oettingen-Spielberg, 36, Ludwig Prince of Bavaria, 41, with his pregnant wife Sophie-Alexandra Princess of Bavaria, 35, and the Italian designer Isabella Lobkowicz, 35.

As “Bild” reports, Jean-Christophe Prince Napoléon, 37, and his wife Olympia, 36, were also said to have been there. Alexander’s sister Franziska Gräfin von Fugger-Babenhausen, 45, attended the ceremony together with her husband, the artist Mauro Bergonzoli, 58.

Hannah Bronfman provides private behind-the-scenes insight

Hannah Fallis Bronfman, 36, was also a guest and provided some very private insights on her Instagram account. Gabriella Stoudemire’s second wedding dress can be seen in the American influencer’s story. Gabriella has taken off her veil, her hair down and is standing in front of an impressive wardrobe in her second outfit. “A vision,” writes her friend about the recording.

Hannah Fallis Bronfman shares a private photo of bride Gabriella Stoudemire

Hannah Fallis Bronfman shares a private photo of bride Gabriella Stoudemire


A short time later, Bronfman shared some more impressions, including her own outfit and a shot of the party location. The photo shows a long table where the guests are seated. The flower arrangement on the tables is in white and lilac. White candles in glasses between the flower arrangements create a romantic atmosphere.

The table setting at the high-society wedding of Alexander Erbgraf von Fugger-Babenhausen and Gabriella Stoudemire


Gabriella Stoudemire’s wedding dress

The bride attracted everyone’s attention with her first look. Gabriella opted for a long veil. She only wore her hair partially pinned up. Her stunning wedding dress was created by Gilles Mendel. In addition to Gabriella, his customers include stars such as Taylor Swift, 34, and Heidi Klum, 50. For Gabriella, the New York fashion designer designed a timeless dress with Carmen sleeves that perfectly flattered the waist.

The hereditary count’s wife relied on pure elegance and classicism: neither lace nor eye-catching jewelry could be found. The 36-year-old also used soft colors for her make-up.

The impressive location

The art expert and the entrepreneur said yes in the St. Moritz Church in Augsburg. According to “Bild” information, a reception followed in the ladies’ courtyard of the Fugger City Palace. In the evening, the bride and groom invited guests to the barn at Wellenburg Castle. The castle has been inhabited by the Fugger-Babenhausen family since 1595 and serves as the seat of Prince Fugger’s central administration.

Gabriella Stoudemire and Alexander Erbgraf von Fugger-Babenhausen are beaming from ear to ear as they leave the church.

© Iconoclash Photography – Teresa Marenzi and Daniel Bachler

Alexander Erbgraf von Fugger-Babenhausen is a busy entrepreneur

The 42-year-old groom comes from Jakob Fugger off. The entrepreneur was considered the wealthiest banker in all of Europe from 1495 to 1525 and was even said to be the richest man in the world at the time. Alexander Erbgraf von Fugger-Babenhausen has been head of the merchant dynasty’s forestry, agriculture and real estate holdings since 2008.

According to her Facebook profile, Gabriella Stoudemire studied at Georgetown University. Gabriella is the daughter of the American financial expert Sterling Cranford Stoudemire, who died last year at the age of 73. Her mother is Dora-Beatriz Cortés Gelpi, who belongs to the Cortés chocolate dynasty in Puerto Rico.

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