Alexander Klaws: Rare photos! Son Lenny starts school

The star news of the day in the GALA ticker: Alexander Klaws celebrates his son Lenny’s milestone +++ Anna Adamyan makes her first trip with a baby +++ Bayern star Daniel Peretz cuddles with ESC stars.

The star news of the day in the GALA ticker

August 30, 2023

Alexander Klaws celebrates his son Lenny’s milestone

The end of summer means an exciting new beginning for many parents: their children are going to school – including the son of singer Alexander Klaws, 39. Lenny, 6, a kindergarten child, has now grown into a big school child. How proud the first DSDS winner from 2003 is of his eldest child – Klaws has another son Flynn, 3, with his wife and musical actress Nadja Scheiwiller, 38, – he now shows with a three-part picture gallery on Instagram.

“Then suddenly it’s here… the 1st day of school! Unbelievable… Filled with love and pride, a new phase of life begins for you. You just fitted into my right hand and soon you’ll be explaining life to me [sic]”: Alexander Klaws addresses these touching words to his Lenny and wishes “all the ‘Ersties’ out there a great start to school!” The musical actor also posts a photo of his son with a hand-made racing car school cone. The third snapshot shows the six-year-old with a satchel and helmet racing to school on his bike. Lenny seems so independent that Papa Alexander must have swallowed one or two lumps in his throat. These are extremely private insights into his everyday family life, which Klaws only rarely gives to his almost 100,000 followers.

Anna Adamyan dares her first coffee outing with her new baby

In December 2022, Anna Adamyan’s, 27, greatest wish, for which she had been fighting for years, came true: the influencer was overjoyed to announce her pregnancy. “I’m pregnant! Our artificial insemination worked,” she wrote in an Instagram post. At the beginning of this month, the time had come: her son was born on August 10th, healthy and alert. After the birth with “unpleasant course”, the former ” Germany’s Next Topmodel” candidate is now back with her followers and shares this sweet family photo.

Together with husband Sargis Adamyan, 30, she dared her first trip with the newborn. In her Instagram story she reports on the little adventure. The new parents were “more excited than anything else”. The little “Dino”, as she only calls her son in public, has mastered the visit to the café “superbly”, as Anna reveals. She explains that it was good for her to get out and she seems to be completely immersed in her new role.


August 29, 2023

Bayern player Daniel Peretz cuddles with ESC stars

Israeli goalkeeper Daniel Peretz, 23, signed a five-year contract with FC Bayern Munich just last Friday, August 25. But he not only brings his talent to the club, but also pure glamor in the form of his girlfriend, the Israeli singer Noa Kirel, 22. The musician took third place in this year’s Eurovision Song Contest with her hit “Unicorn” and is long been a star in her home country.

Daniel Peretz and Noa Kirel only made their relationship official last Thursday, August 24, when they presented themselves to the photographers at Tel Aviv airport to fly together as a couple to Munich to sign the contract. Kirel also accompanied her partner to his first Bayern game on Sunday. Pictures of the two show them hugging in the stands of the Munich Allianz Arena stadium.

August 28, 2023

Lena Meyer-Landrut writes depressed message

Lena Meyer-Landrut, 32, “pukes up”. In her broadcast channel on Instagram, she vents her bad mood. Because the singer is still suffering from the consequences of her riding accident, which she had almost three weeks ago. She suffered a double fracture of the sacrum and has had to take it easy ever since.

There were so many exciting things waiting for the 32-year-old right now. And that, or the thought of it, apparently drives her insane. “I’m throwing up, actually I’d be on stage at Stars for Free in Berlin right now,” she complains in a video that she publishes on her broadcast channel. Lena is lying, looks sad. No wonder! “But I can’t , I can’t because my ass is broken,” she adds to her complaint – and it’s obvious how much she’s suffering from being bedridden.

Mick Schumacher raves about his loved ones

Just a few days ago, Mick Schumacher, 24, son of Formula 1 legend Michael Schumacher, 54, presented his new girlfriend for the first time on Instagram: Model Laila Hasanovic, 22, is the woman who was able to conquer the heart of the racing driver. The blonde comes from Copenhagen and works as a model and influencer, has around 195,000 followers on Instagram, who inspire her with professional model photos, but also with snapshots from her everyday life. But she obviously inspires one person the most: Mick Schumacher.

In an interview with RTL, Mick also revealed how in love he is with his Laila. “I’m really happy,” he enthused, grinning meaningfully. How you look when you are head over heels in love.

He made his relationship official with an Instagram post and Laila Hasanovic also posted a photo of a couple in love on a love vacation together from a yacht off St. Tropez on her account.

Although Mick and Laila would like to keep their relationship and their happiness private, they didn’t want to keep their relationship a secret. It was very important to the athlete “not to hide”. When you’re so happy, you just want to shout your happiness out into the world.

The star news of the past week

Read all the news from the last week here.

Sources used:,,,

lsc / abl / cjö / jse

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