Alexandre Astier injured, his face damaged, a few hours before the birth of his daughter Ariane

By Claire Legrand | Editor

A journalist of Belarusian origin, Claire has worked at Purepeople since 2019. An unconditional fan of the Sex And The City series, she also knows most of the RnB sounds of the 90s and 2000s by heart. Blue flower and eternal romantic, she is interested in everything particularly to the love lives of stars.

Born on June 16, 1974, Alexandre Astier celebrates his 50th birthday in 2024. 24 years ago, the actor was the victim of a violent kick in the face just hours before the birth of his daughter Ariane. An anecdote that he told to Konbini journalists.

Alexandre Astier injured, his face damaged, a few hours before the birth of his daughter Ariane

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Dad of Jeanne (born December 16, 1999), Ariane (born December 15, 2000), Neil (born August 7, 2003), Ethan (born August 11, 2006) and James (born February 21, 2013) with his first partner Anne-Gaëlle Daval with whom he was in a relationship from 1999 to 2016 then Aaron (born November 18, 2017) and Isaac (born July 20, 2020) with Luna Karys (who has shared his life since 2016), Alexandre Astier was returned to the birth of his daughter Ariane which took place in very special circumstances.

Interviewed by Konbinihe tells : “The day before Ariane was born, my wife was pregnant but she told me it was okay, so I went downstairs and went to practice kung fu. At that time my mind was a little elsewhere anyway. My head is so elsewhere that I’m actually fighting with a guy, and I feel a foot rise on his side. And so I do what we call a dodge by swinging my head forward so that the foot passes and the problem is that I throw my foot forward at the guy’s foot, that is to say that basically the guy puts all his strength into a kick and I put all my dodging strength from my head into his foot. So I blew my face off and started pissing blood.

An accident a few hours before the birth of his daughter

While the actor has just had his head smashed, he receives a phone call from his sweetheart who is now ready to give birth. “Afterwards my wife told me ‘we have to go’ so we went to the hospital, while she was having contractions she told me ‘but we’re in a hospital, go get your face taken care of!‘ he explained.

Remembering the man who kicked him, he adds with a smile: “In fact I would like to tell the person who kicked me, who was almost in tears, that it ended well I had my daughter, she is doing very well. She is 23 now. He actually blew my face but I hope he continued the kung fu and all is well!“.

A most surprising anecdote from the actor of the series Kaamelott.

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