Alexandre Douguine, ideological inspiration of the pro-Russian French far right

Saturday August 20, near Moscow, Daria Douguina, aged 29, died in the explosion of the car of her father, the neo-eurasist ideologue Alexandre Douguine. She was driving the vehicle. The sudden disappearance of this activist and journalist is not without consequence in France. She and her father are known and appreciated figures of part of the radical far right in France.

Since Saturday, the tributes have multiplied. “Westerners have wanted the head of the father since 2014, when an unfair ban on the soil of the European Union was imposed, they have just had that of the daughter of ‘Putin’s brain’, according to the sheepish terminology of the media. , in the most shameful and cowardly way possible”can we read on the site of‘Elementsflagship magazine of the “new right”.

Read also: Russia accuses Ukrainian ‘special services’ of killing Daria Duguina

Unlike Marine Le Pen or Eric Zemmour, who did not react, Florian Philippot, former number two of the National Front (FN, ancestor of the National Rally), now leader of the Patriots, said on Twitter: “Murdered Dougin’s daughter, Macron’s warlike outbursts, Zelensky’s provocations around nuclear sites in search of an incident… It is clear that the Washington camp wants war! And Macron is waiting for that! » Also a former FN, Aymeric Chauprade also paid tribute to Daria Douguina.

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To measure the importance of the thought of Alexandre Douguine within the French extreme right favorable to Moscow, it is not necessary to scrutinize the reactions of the officials, but to delve into the margins of this political family with which the Russian maintains relationships that have existed for more than thirty years.

If the emotion is so strong in one part of this political camp (another, pro-Ukrainian and claiming to belong to the Azov regiment, is far from sharing their pain), it is because Alexander Dougin was able to link both intellectual and friendly ties with France. His daughter, Daria, very close to him politically, was also very popular, she who followed part of her studies in France, at the University of Bordeaux. The links are therefore old, deep and solid.

Fight against Anglo-Saxon power

“Douguinism” is however complex and far removed from Western standards. Jean-Yves Camus, a specialist in the far right, even defines it as “a-Western”. Orthodox mystic, esoteric traditionalist, Douguine is the pope of neo-eurasism, a doctrine which promotes the constitution of a large Eurasian continental bloc to fight against Anglo-Saxon power. One of the sentences of the Russian theorist which best sums up his political thought, according to the researcher specializing in the extreme right Nicolas Lebourg, is the following : “The third Rome, the IIIe Reich and the IIIe International are elements that must be connected in the revolt against the modern world. »

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