Algeria – Philippe Labro: “I learned everything there”

Mobilized in Paris in 1960, the journalist joined the editorial staff of “Bled”. In 1961, he was posted to Algeria. Begins the life of a “real” soldier.

Interview by Jerome Begle

France-Algeria: two centuries of history


“The French unconscious is Algerian, the Algerian unconscious is French. The writer Kamel Daoud sums up well the Algerian concern that grips France on the eve of the 60th anniversary of the Evian Accords, which marked the end of eight years of war and the prelude to the independence of Algeria. Sixty years later, this special issue revisits two centuries of colonization and decolonization. Many witnesses confided, from Yacef Saadi, the boss of the Kasbah during the battle of Algiers, to the descendants of the putschist generals. Evian, agreements and disagreements…



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