Alice Detollenaere: Camille Lacourt’s companion will soon undergo breast removal

Much courage to you“,”Good luck in your operation, you are very courageous“,”Very beautiful photos and full of courage to you for your new operation. Wholeheartedly with you“, can we read among the messages of support from Alice Detollenaere’s subscribers.

The young mother did not specify the date of the intervention. She had already suggested, last October, that a preventive ablation was necessary after a genetic analysis. An altered gene had been detected.

In October 2020, Alice had declined cosmetic surgery on her breast. “To further improve it, it is possible to do surgery. Finally two to be exact, because one, which consists of removing the fat from the legs, is at least as painful as that of intervening again on the breast, she explained. To erase all the stigmata would be nonsense, that of denying my story. This episode was crazy and I never want to forget it. I want every morning as I get dressed to remember that life once called me to order. Turn negative into positive, check.

This breast cancer had also affected Alice Detollenaere’s pregnancy and had deprived her of breastfeeding after the birth of little Marius. The disease does not prevent her from fully enjoying her motherhood, of which she shares the precious moments on social networks.

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