Alicia confides in Bruno in a moving sequence


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During their honeymoon, Alicia confided in Bruno about the terrible accident she experienced when she was younger. A revelation that moved the viewers of Married at first sight.

Monday April 25, M6 broadcast a new episode of season 6 of Married at first sight. During this episode, viewers were able to discover Eddy and Jennifer. And, the least we can say is that the two candidates, however compatible at 81%, were not unanimous. Indeed, the behavior of the 37-year-old young man was highly criticized by Internet users who found him far too insistent about his wedding night. As for Jennifer, she was accused of having been in a relationship during the filming of the show.

If the couple formed Jennifer and Eddy obviously did not soften the public, that of Alicia and Bruno on the contrary once again moved the viewers. Right after their wedding night, Alicia decides to confide in Bruno on the tragedy of his life, the death of his sister who died in a serious car accident. “I had a sister, but today she is no longer there, she is in heaven”. These are the words Alicia said to Bruno before explaining to him that she too was marked by the accident. The young nurse was placed in a coma before undergoing eight operations in three years, hence his scars.

Read also: Married At First Sight: the production responds to Caroline’s accusations

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Alicia reassured by Bruno’s reaction

While she was afraid to arouse her husband’s pity, Alicia was reassured by the benevolence of Bruno who was respectful, reassuring and compassionate towards her. Bruno was genuinely touched by his wife’s painful past and understood why she had left the ceremony at the time of her sister’s speech.

“It charms me even more” he admits before adding “Know that I will never insist on this. In relation to your scars, to the health problems that could be linked. I will never do too much. And it’s only when you ask me to be there for you that I will be. I promise you. For better and for worse”.

Aaricia Silvestre

When she’s not writing about pop culture, this art lover spends her free time scouring the capital’s museums (especially when admission is free). Also interested in cinema…

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